[tcb] Re: our single cab

  • From: Jammy <damhippiekustoms@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: tcb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2006 08:56:16 -0700 (PDT)

you talking about that cage thing that has the pin that attaches to the hockey 

Mark Sawyer <mechmark@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:   There is a flexible coupler 
attached at the nose of the transmission. they do wear out and will cause 
shifting problems. there are also 2 bushings on the shift rod where it goes 
thru the tube. but to change the bushings you have to pull the engine and 
tranny. the coupler can be changed by just crawling under the tranny.To change 
the coupler you will need a pair of pliers, wire cutters (to remove the safety 
wire) 8mm wrench and a screwdriver to help get the coupler off the 2 shafts 
(beer doen't hurt either). the bolts that hold the coupler in place are pointed 
so there is no problem with having to realign anything. 

Jammy <damhippiekustoms@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:     1)yes
  2)have never touched it except to put the new end on the hockey stick was not 
binding at all moved quite freely
  3) couplers??????????

Mark Sawyer <mechmark@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
    I've had to deal with shifters on bay windows before. A couple of things to 
check are 
  1) The nuts that are welded to the floor pan under the shifter still 
  2) Have you greased the shift rod where it goes thru the tube thru the body? 
  3) Are the couplers in good shape? 
  Any one of these will cause you a lot of problems.

Jammy <damhippiekustoms@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
  70 bay

Mark Sawyer <mechmark@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:   What year single cab???

Jammy <damhippiekustoms@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:   will thanks for the help but I'm 
alittle confused adjust the shifter or the linkage?

evilscientistboo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:   sorry, for 1st and 3rd adjust to rear. 
reverse and 2nd and 4th tnwards front. sorry, i'm at the airport so i'm typing 
on my phone!

-----Original Message-----
Sent: June 12, 2006 2:37:45 PM GMT
To: tcb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [tcb] our single cab

Will or anyone that can help Jammy has replaced the hockey stick and he still 
has no third gear what can he do? 

Have a Godful and Peaceful day,

  Keep it Aircooled,
          Jammy Thomas
     Dam Hippie Kustoms
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  Keep it Aircooled,
          Jammy Thomas
     Dam Hippie Kustoms
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  Keep it Aircooled,
          Jammy Thomas
     Dam Hippie Kustoms
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Keep it Aircooled,
          Jammy Thomas
     Dam Hippie Kustoms

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