[tcb] Re: To all you engine builders

  • From: Will <evilscientistboo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <tcb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 11:33:31 -0500

The most important thing to look at is what do you have now.

 You can rebuild for much less than 2k but again it depends on what you're 
starting with.

Rebuild the heads polish the crank or turn it if necessary.  First get it to a 
builder or shop who can assess what you have.

If you have to go with 90.5s and forget the 88s
The machine  work for that would be about 100 bucks.

-----Original Message-----
From: Denis Dodson <coocoo@xxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 10:08 AM
To: tcb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [tcb] To all you engine builders

I am getting my brains beaten in by people telling me to do a whole new engine. 
The problem is everything I have researched tells me that I am going to end up 
spending $2000. I actually don't have $2K on me. I looked in my other pants 
and...no, no $2K there.
I have made keeping my case alive a passion. It has several Helicoiled studs 
and a couple oversized studs, and a missing stud, and a JB Welded stud. Also, 
when I threw the rod 7 years ago it caused a teeny tiny hairline crack in the 
top of the case that I sealed successfully with some "magic" repair goo. So. if 
I split the case I do not expect to be able to use it anymore. (Sob).
I have gotten spoiled and used to the oomph of a 1914, so, thank you, but I 
won't be putting a 1600 or even a 1776. I know it might save some money, but...
Here are a few good questions;   I called Scat, just to get a price ballpark 
for machined 88s and was told that the 88s I had before may be a different 
"size" than the ones used today. What the hell does that mean? 
And; I have access to some 95.5s. Is that as good a cylinder, endurance and 
heatwize as the 88s?
I am also being told that I could buy a 1915 long block for $1200. Would I 
trust any of them? My inclination is still to build it myself.
What, I think, is going to happen is, I'm going to tear down this engine and 
measure and check damage and then go to Chuck's for the assembly the week 
before T@P.  If this doesn't work I won't make T@P. 
More later. I have conversations and my plans change pretty much every hour

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