[studiorecorder] Suggestions for new or changed features

  • From: "Neal Ewers" <neal.ewers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Sr" <studiorecorder@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 12 May 2006 11:10:43 -0500

   Hello Rob and company.  Perhaps you could comment on the suggestions
mentioned below.

1.  When opening an MP3 file, the user is given an option to either
process the file so it is not a read only file, or have it be opened as
read only.  Of course, this could be a choice in the preferences dialog
that a person could set permanently or until it was changed again.  I
suggest this because navigating through read only MP3 files gives you
different amounts of scrubbing when you are moving through the file.  I
assume that this is because you don't have as much control over a read
only file as one in which you have loaded information about the file
that allows one to scrub more correctly.  I can see why you might not
want to process them as a matter of course as they are opened, but
having a choice might work for some people in some situations.

2.  Presenting a beep tone or some error message if one presses say the
"Right Bracket" key without pressing the "Left Bracket" key before
pressing either delete or shift delete.  I have occasionally thought I
was deleting a small portion of a file but I had not pressed the left
bracket.  So, when I press the right bracket and then the delete key, it
deletes from where I am to the beginning of the file.  If I don't know
that has happened, I continue editing the end portion of the file and
then I go back to play the file and discover that the first 20 minutes
or so are gone.  I would much rather have to perform the normal
Microsoft key strokes for deleting to the beginning or end of the file
instead of doing it by pressing the bracket keys and then delete.  But
if the present scenario is kept, I would definitely like a warning if I
have not hit both keys before deleting.
Thanks for listening to me moan and groan about a great product.

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