[ST:FAB] Re: [80901.29]

  • From: Trancegemini26@xxxxxxx
  • To: stfab@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 1 Feb 2009 00:47:50 EST

i dont have the balls brian? LMAO! hows this for balls for " open  string " 
CmdrCulkin:  I'm feeling guilty of nothing really.  
Trance  gemini 26: 
good, cause if you are just dont keep it within, not healthy  
CmdrCulkin  signed off at 6:32 P.M. 
CmdrCulkin signed on at 6:33 P.M. 
Trance gemini  26:  and you wonder what you did wrong............... 
CmdrCulkin:  What did  I do wrong? 
CmdrCulkin:  ...Now?  
Trance  gemini 26:  well to be honest your too bossy, you do tend to come 
into the  room ranting about people who walked out when it could of been done 
CmdrCulkin:  That was  along time ago...months ago even 
Trance gemini  26:  well it seems you still do it from what i was reading  
CmdrCulkin:  No, I  don't thats a recap from you saint Arkain, rehashing all 
of that  
CmdrCulkin:  Your  
Trance  gemini 26:  you do need to relax and quit taking things so seriously, 
its  only a fantasy 
CmdrCulkin:  I get  sworn at, accused of things I didn't do and I need to 
CmdrCulkin:  ...right... 
Trance gemini  26:  well you did come into the room like a pit bull 
CmdrCulkin:  There  were reasons for it. 
Trance gemini 26:  and it couldnt be taken  in ims? 
CmdrCulkin:  My  reasons were justified by Robin herself, and no, it couldn't 
I was being ignored  in IM's 
Trance  gemini 26:  well you shouldnt of went in the room getting everyone 
CmdrCulkin:  I  admitted I handled things poorly. 
CmdrCulkin:  It seems  some people don't let things go. 
Trance gemini  26:  you brought this up and upon yourself 
CmdrCulkin:  FABS down  to two sims, was three, and I've been fighting week 
in and week out to keep em  running... 
Trance  gemini 26:  i sed to have my own group a few years back, and i acted 
like  you, with more intensity, eventually i made my sim into a indy
Trance gemini 26:  used* 
CmdrCulkin:  I've  tried everything I know, I didn't start everything that 
chased people away.  
Trance  gemini 26:  take it from me, dont let it end like that, make peace 
with  all
CmdrCulkin:  I've  tried. 
CmdrCulkin:  I can't  make a peace, where there is no peace to be had 
CmdrCulkin:  My  problem is I defend the old guard too much. I've been around 
alot longer than  most anyone except Robin. 
CmdrCulkin:  I'm not  feeling guilty of anything, merely frustrated, about 
how someone can make him  out to be so innocent, yet will blast people when 
are making an honest to  god heart felt plea. 
CmdrCulkin:  I reached  out for help even to my enemies. 
Trance gemini  26:  well if pro gets mad and quits after reading the shit 
today,  someone is going to get thier head taken off 
Trance gemini 26:  she already feels like  bia by thinking shes not doing a 
good enough job 
Trance gemini 26:  ::glares at him with  jason's machette::
Trance gemini 26:  and you wonder what you  did wrong? shesh 
Trance gemini 26:  you really have a nerve  asking that 
CmdrCulkin:  I never  said anything about Pro, that email isn't from me!

CmdrCulkin:  Thats all  that incident from months ago! 
Trance gemini  26:  well who was it from anyway? 
Trance gemini 26:  it has your address  
CmdrCulkin:  Look at  the Forward! 
Trance gemini 26:  yeah you fwd it  
Trance gemini  26:  you sent it 
CmdrCulkin:  Its from  Darrius Arkain 
Trance gemini 26:  i know, and you didntneed  tobring that stuff up  
CmdrCulkin:  Subject: Re: [ST:FAB]  STFAB:WK AND ALL[200129.09]
From: Darrius Arkain  <darrius.arkain@xxxxxxxxx>
To: CmdrCulkin@xxxxxxx
CmdrCulkin:  No HE DID! 
CmdrCulkin:  Your missing the point, I  didn't bring it up. 
CmdrCulkin:  He did 
Trance gemini  26:  i saw he was talking about the sim tonight 
Trance gemini 26:  the one before you sent  this 
CmdrCulkin:  This is all from an email he  sent me. 
CmdrCulkin:  In rehards to my email send  wed night 
Trance  gemini 26:  and you had to be immature and show it 
Trance gemini 26:  ::shakes head::  
CmdrCulkin:  How is it being immature?  
Trance  gemini 26:  you never show private stuff like that, it tends to bring 
a mob  out 
CmdrCulkin:  Ok, hmm, let him attack and  and blast me 
CmdrCulkin:  and never tell a soul...  
CmdrCulkin:  That is a true bully  
CmdrCulkin:  The worst kind.  
Trance  gemini 26:  and you did ask that day what you did wrong, he 
responded. and  thatmakes you immature for showing it to everyone. i mean who 
would do 
CmdrCulkin:  I want all responses to be  100% open to the string 
Trance gemini  26:  by showing what they said topeople? 
CmdrCulkin:  There are grievances and  gripes people hold back. They 
shouldn't without open communication nothing gets  solved. 
Trance  gemini 26:  you got more enemies now after doing that than before  
CmdrCulkin:  Whatever... 
Trance gemini  26:  seriously who would do that? 
CmdrCulkin:  I don't believe so.  
CmdrCulkin:  And who would sit back and  be beaten, and be quiet about it. 
CmdrCulkin:  Oh yea, I'm just gonna sit  back and take the abuse, the false 
Trance gemini  26:  hey i stopped that a while back from responding, cause 
all it did  was make others mad 
CmdrCulkin:  Thats because your responses  were so volitile. 
Trance gemini 26:  and look at yours now  
CmdrCulkin:  That is not my response.  
CmdrCulkin:  That is his entire email.  
Trance  gemini 26:  your digging yourself a nice deep hole 
CmdrCulkin:  Do you not know how to read  forwards? 
Trance  gemini 26:  i do ,but they will go after you 
CmdrCulkin:  Who will? 
Trance gemini  26:  ones who dislike you 
CmdrCulkin:  Maybe thats just what I want  to know, who else feels like him. 
CmdrCulkin:  Maybe I want to try and  solve those problems, because if we 
don't FAB does die. 
CmdrCulkin:  Thats why I sent the email,  I was fully prepared for his 
response, but give him the opportunity to do it  public like. 
CmdrCulkin:  I expected him to come out  this way, but I wanted to see how 
everyone else felt... 
Trance gemini  26:  i feel also that after the incidents you pulled by not 
ignoring  them before, giving pro a hard time about arkain, coming into rooms 
like a hot  potato that this is why this group is in the shit hole
CmdrCulkin:  Uh huh, and when FAB was  dying before, where was everyone else? 
Who kept it afloat then, Arkain? No, You?  No. Pro? No...I'll tell you who 
damn it, Me. 
CmdrCulkin:  For months and months, I  made sure we had sims running, and 
they ran smoothly, I exhausted myself in the  process... 
Trance  gemini 26:  perhaps they didnt like how you were helping 
CmdrCulkin:  No you folks weren't even  around when that happened 
Trance gemini  26:  huh? 
CmdrCulkin:  There weren't the problems  back then that exsist now. 
Trance gemini  26:  oh i been around
CmdrCulkin:  Because we had structure,  and everyone understood it, and the 
way it worked. Pro doesn't want the job shes  got now. She admitted it to me. 
CmdrCulkin:  It was dumped in her lap,  and she leans on Arkain like a 
crutch, and a drug. 
Trance gemini  26:  then she shouldnt of taken it, she should of asked robin 
or you  for help 
CmdrCulkin:  And she didn't  
CmdrCulkin:  I tried to find help for  her, she didn't want it. 
CmdrCulkin:  I know of 2 others who would  be perfect canidates, and they 
don't include me. 
CmdrCulkin:  There is a veteran core to  this group, many may not realize. 
Trance gemini  26:  well that was her fault then cause shes all stressed out 
and  frazzled and your not helping matters much with the e-mails you send or 
CmdrCulkin:  That email I orginally sent  Wed night, had nothing to do with 
CmdrCulkin:  I didn't bring her back up,  I merely forwarded someone elses 
email, as it is a proof of how someone else  acts behind the scenes, and how 
manipulative he can be. 
Trance gemini  26:  ::rolls eyes::  still does not help matters  much
CmdrCulkin:  He brought the shit up  
Trance  gemini 26:  how did he bring it up? 
CmdrCulkin:  In his email  
CmdrCulkin:  BRB 
Trance gemini  26:  lmao you really need mental help cause by showing e-mails 
to  others its just.............. well........ digging a hole even deeper for 
Trance gemini  26:  get a clue by buying a vowel 
Trance gemini 26:  ........ 
CmdrCulkin:  Right, you keep thinking so,  I'm done with this conversation, 
trying to make a point to you is like running  into a wall. 
Trance gemini 26:  lmao talking to you is  like a wall 
CmdrCulkin:  Whatever.  Leave me alone. 
Trance gemini 26:  baby 
CmdrCulkin:  You  really want to start that? 
Trance gemini  26:  i just did 
CmdrCulkin:  Ok,  because I know just as many people who feel you are a pain 
in the kisser,  seriously. I believe you had a problem a few months back with 
another player.  
CmdrCulkin:  That oh I  stepped in to interven there as well, to save and oh 
wait you. 
Trance gemini  26:  by acting like i did that makes you a man by doing the 
Trance gemini  26:  ::laughs my ass off:: 
CmdrCulkin:  You read  way to much into things... 
CmdrCulkin signed off at 7:32  P.M.  
Trance  gemini 26:  least i dont enter rooms to disturb a sim  
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