[sparkscoffee] Re: [sparkscoffee] Re: [sparksco ffee] Re: Re: Re: Re: [sp arkscoffee] Re:Inside Orland o’s first machine gun theme park

  • From: "" <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Redacted sender "sblumen123@xxxxxxx" for DMARC)
  • To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2015 14:23:29 -0500

JS, RR, DR, etc
You fellars are alone, not me, I got lots of company. Still waiting for the 
varius responses to my emails like the 800 pound Chinese gorilla,
UK giving Israel to the zioinist, etc.? You simplistic jerks like to preach and 
are lousy listeners.
Comrade B
-----Original Message-----
From: schalestock <schalestock@xxxxxxxx>
To: sparkscoffee <sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sun, Feb 15, 2015 4:11 pm
Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: [sparksco ffee] Re: Re: Re: Re: [sp arkscoffee] 
Re:Inside Orland o’s first machine gun theme park

You seem to be confused. Nazism and Communism are simply mechanisms of power 
and control. Their whole purpose is to give complete and irrevocable  power to 
the criminals that have seized it. You are under the delusion that Communism is 
predicated upon some moral basis.It is not. And history has confirmed that. 
The Jews that embraced Communism thought they were going to be protected by it. 
They weren't. They were liquidated along with the rest of the intelligentsia 
because people that can think are always a threat to criminals who control by 
fear, intimidation and lies. 
It's no accident that Hitler valued Joseph (the Big Lie) Gobbles as much as he 
did. Nor Stalin and Castro butchering millions of people they feared. And rest 
assured, you and those that think like you would be among the FIRST to receive 
a bullet or at best, a trip to the gulag if the Communist were to take over 
I understand you are living in a fantastical comfort zone. But you are never 
going to win a moral or intellectual argument with DR or RR (or even me for 
that matter) by extolling the virtues of Communism, which is the quintessence 
of evil in the modern world. 
Has it ever occurred to you that ISIS and the rest of the rabid head choppers 
and man burners are structured like Stalinist communists? The only difference 
is they use the Koran as their justification for sick and evil deeds instead of 
Communist Manifesto. 
But I suppose at this stage of your life you, any opening of your mind would be 
---------- Original Message ----------  
From: "" <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Redacted sender "sblumen123@xxxxxxx" 
for DMARC)  
To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx  
Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: [sparkscoffee] Re: [sparkscoffee] Re: 
[sparkscoffee] Re: [sparkscoffee] Re: [sparkscoffee] Re: [sparkscoffee] Re: 
[sparkscoffee] Re:Inside Orland o’s first machine gun theme park  
Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2015 15:04:14 -0500  
Your tieing NAZI state and COMMUNIST state together is a brainless dream of 
yours that I, China, Viet Nam, Cuba and all Communists and even non Communists 
would accept..  
Too many examples to show how they opposed each other and how one failed and 
the other continues to succeed. How do do you explain China, Viet Nam, Cuba, 
and all the  
various communist parties all over the world? Who said Hitler, ISIS, or any 
government had the right to murder whom they pleased? What do you have to say 
about China's  
Comrade B   
-----Original Message-----   
 From: D.J.J. Ring, Jr. <n1ea@xxxxxxxx>   
 To: sparkscoffee <sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>   
 Sent: Sun, Feb 15, 2015 2:15 pm   
 Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: [sparkscoffee] Re: [sparkscoffee] Re: 
[sparkscoffee] Re: [sparkscoffee] Re: [sparkscoffee] Re: [sparkscoffee] Re: 
Inside Orland o’s first machine gun theme park   
It is about NAZI's and the trials after WW2.  They were found guillty of 
violating natural law and sentenced.    
In NAZI Germany the legislature voted to give Hitler full authority of all 
three branches of government.  What Hitler ordered was automatically a law of 
the Reich, and lawful because he had said it.    
Here is my question (again):  Does a superior authority above man made 
government State exist as Nurenburg ruled, or do all our rights come solely 
from government, the State?    
You caught Stan, if you say State alone then you can support Communism, but you 
are also saying that if there is nothing except the State that gives rights, 
then the NAZIs were perfectly right to murder millions of undesirables 
including Jews.    
Just to let you know, that's one of the reasons I cannot support Communism 
because what Hitler did was murder even though it was legal.    
On Feb 15, 2015 1:53 PM, "Redacted sender      sblumen123@xxxxxxx for DMARC" <  
    dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:      
You ask a lot of questions but you answer a very few, why? Your link said the 
video is not currently available and the text was very long and I      
am too busy with other items, sorry to disappoint you.      
-----Original Message-----        
 From: D.J.J. Ring, Jr. <        n1ea@xxxxxxxx>        
 To: sparkscoffee <        sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>        
 Sent: Sat, Feb 14, 2015 11:27 am        
 Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: [sparkscoffee] Re: [sparkscoffee] Re: 
[sparkscoffee] Re: [sparkscoffee] Re: Inside Orland o’s first machine gun theme 
 Do you think the State should be held to a higher standard when it comes to 
the giving of rights?           
 I'm just asking if you agree with the International Courts at Nuremberg 
convicting the Nazis of their hate crimes against the Jews and others?          
 GLICKSTEIN: Our Declaration of Independence talks about certain “inalienable 
rights” and among those rights are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 
That’s natural law. I mean it doesn’t … that’s not written any place, the 
Founding Fathers all believed that there were certain rights that people just 
had as human beings; that they were entitled to. And I think those sort of 
principles, which are principles of morality … they can be stated other ways … 
you can … some people say well these are rights that come from God. And other 
people say they’re just inherent in the fact that you’re a human being.         
 You don't have to believe in God - that is a leap of faith or reason as there 
are several proofs of the existance of God using scientific method - but not 
physical science but logic and philosophy which are both sciences.         
Stan, does natural law exist?  Is the State the ONLY thing that gives us 
Your answer please?         
On Sat, Feb 14, 2015 at 11:12 AM, Redacted sender           sblumen123@xxxxxxx 
for DMARC           <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:           
The DR Manifesto           
Thank you           
-----Original Message-----            
 From: D.J.J. Ring, Jr. <            n1ea@xxxxxxxx>            
 To: sparkscoffee <            sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>            
Sent: Sat, Feb 14, 2015 7:32 am               
 Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: [sparkscoffee] Re: [sparkscoffee] Re: Inside 
Orland o’s first machine gun theme park               
 Many people live in abject poverty, Catholic or not.  Even the pope apologized 
for what he says was a misinterpreted quote about rabbits.  You do not have to 
take chemicals or use mechanical objects to make sure you have no children, you 
can abstain from sexual intercourse, in that way married people are the same as 
single people who are celibate, which is what they should be unless they are 
 Without doubt there is a continuum of development to children in the womb.  
However genetically from the moment of conception, there is life and that life 
is completely different from either the mother or the father.                   
 The world certainly has enough capability to feed and house all the people 
living on it.                    
 However we are divided on how to accomplish this.  We have the communists who 
have one idea, the capitalists who have another, the socialists who are 
mini-communists, we have those who want to redistribute wealth through taxes, 
and we have those advocate redistributing wealth by voluntary contribution of 
goods and services, education and charity towards others.                   
 I am of the last group.  I contribute to various efficient charities - the 
word coming from Charitas - Christian love - to different groups whose ministry 
is something that I am interested in.  I avoid groups that advocate mercy 
killing and abortion.  It is my money and I am spending it.  I tutor children 
in science and mathematics as well as reading.                  
 I do not like most institutes of higher education but I am very happy that 
there are private institutes of higher education that can issue PhD and other 
degrees without teaching what I call "communist lies" like global warming and 
the femi-nazi agenda of the destruction of family by undermining the social 
value of the father.  I can plainly see the increase in gun violence is linked 
to "fatherless" male children.  Children have been made "fatherless" by 
no-fault divorce where there is no possibility of rebuttal.  Contrary to what 
RR says, there are marriages where there are vows made under oath and with 
witnesses that are covenant marriages but the courts have ruled that these can 
be broken for any reason including "no reason" by either party at any time and 
the other party cannot rebutt the action.                 
 In other words, the father cannot protect his family, the wife can abort their 
child without the father being able to protect that child.                
 These are unjust laws and as Dr. Martin Luther King said quoting the legal 
maxim first attributed to St. Augustine that "An unjust law is no law at all - 
Lex iniusta non est lex:     One has not only a legal but a moral 
responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to 
disobey unjust laws. I would agree with St. Augustine that “an unjust law is no 
law at all”.  — [                 MLK, Letter from a Birmingham Jail (1963)]
There is a way of looking at the world from a single vantage point, but we may 
not know it precisely but we certainly know where there are grave lies justice 
cannot reside.                
Without truth there is no justice, and justice is the "Queen of the Virtues".   
That's why the legal system of the USA is in such trouble, the judges lie, the 
lawyers lie, it is "The House of the Liars" and certainly there is no justice 
However there are still some morally good lawyers and jurists who understand 
that statute law has to be based on natural law and if it isn't the judges are 
just pulling their decisions out of their egos based on nothing because they 
believe the law is based on nothing.  This is the greatest danger we face.      
Remember and I always address non-believing Jews when I say this - Hitler and 
his armies completely obeyed the National Laws of Germany when they gassed 
millions of Jews, Catholics, Gypsies (who speak a non-European language), 
disabled people, retarded people who they reasoned were "expensive to care 
However the International Courts held that there was a Natural Law under which 
their actions were criminal and they were convicted under that Natural Law.     
Of course if there is a natural law which is not random, it must have been made 
by intelligence, by the fabricator or creator of nature.                
Which leads us back to RR's objection of the basis of Law being theological, 
and again I make my point that the USA was founded on natural law and that our 
rights were given to us by God and not the State.                  
 Under Communism all rights come from the State and the State can decide which 
rights we have and do not have.  Just like Hitler, the Jews had no rights to 
I can never understand how Jews can support Communism - at least a Godless 
Communism where the State is the giver of all rights.  I thought they would 
have learned their lesson from Hitler.                
On Sat, Feb 14, 2015 at 9:44 AM, Ron Ristad                  
<ristad@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:                  
DR and JS,                      
 One thing that all of these arguments have in common is that they confuse 
religious indoctrination with reality.                      
 Buddhists believe that all life is sacred and that it is wrong to kill a fly. 
I respect that. But aren't plants also alive? There are plants that are aware 
of their surroundings. Many plants move if you touch them. All are aware of the 
sun.  Some catch insects and digest them. Babies in the womb are not SELF aware 
because their brains are not yet developed to that stage. "I think therefore I 
 There is no practical difference between pulling the plug on a person who is 
living but whose brain activity has stopped and aborting a fetus whose brain 
activity has not yet begun.                      
 Old people with dimentia are certainly self aware.                      
 There are millions upon millions of poor families in the, especially 
Catholics, who breed like rabbits because they either cannot afford birth 
control, are too ignorant to practice birth control, or their religion 
prohibits birth control and abortion. They live in abject poverty which is 
nearly impossible to escape from because every penny they earn is used just to 
buy food. They raise children that are uneducated even when education is free 
because there is no incentive to learn. Most of those families the father 
desserts because the financial burden of feeding so many mouths is just too 
overwhelming, but not before they've turned to alcohol or drugs. I see it 
everyday and it breaks my heart because there is no solution.                   
 The religious propaganda you spout was used by the ruling classes to create a 
permanent underclass that could be used as a steady supply of cheap labor and 
as pawns in wars for the amusement of kings when it became necessary to thin 
the population. We have entered an age where this underclass is becoming less 
and less useful as computers and robots perform the tasks that they were bred 
for. The only possible future I see for them is one that is filled with horror. 
 I had to laugh when JS said that abortion is wrong but it's OK to kill in war. 
That's classic religious hypocracy.                      
 Dream on.                      
-----Original Message-----                       
 From: "                      schalestock@xxxxxxxx"                       
 Sent: Feb 13, 2015 7:35 PM                       
 To:                       sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx                       
Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: Inside Orland o’s first machine gun theme park      
I agree with you. And would add that, except for rape, a woman's "choice" ends 
with her choice to have intercourse. As you point out, a baby in the womb is a 
separte entity which a woman doesn't have a moral right to terminate because it 
may be inconvient  for her plans.                        
 ---------- Original Message ----------                          
 From: "D.J.J. Ring, Jr." <                          n1ea@xxxxxxxx>             
 To:                          sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx                        
 Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: [sparkscoffee] Re: [sparkscoffee] Inside Orlando’s 
first machine gun theme park                          
 Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2015 19:25:39 -0500                          
Baby in womb has awareness, the science has been in for years.  Search for 
videos on partial birth abortion or baby in womb awareness, etc.  You will 
learn quite a bit.  From moments after conception, that developing baby is a 
distinct, unique, individual.  Dependant, but no longer "the woman's body", it 
is a separate body, needing care and protection to be sure.                     
On Feb 13, 2015 7:02 PM, "Ron Ristad" <                           
ristad@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:                           
DR and Stan,                               
 I moved to a country that has never been in a war and doesn't even have an 
army. It's one of the reasons I moved here.                               
 The execution of murderers should be decided by a jury of their peers. I 
believe there are cases of justifiable homicide.                               
 I wouldn't hesitate to shoot to kill somebody who was trying to kill me or 
other people in my immediate vicinity, but as far as some dictator in another 
country murdering people, I may disapprove of it but it is none of my business. 
I believe in defending myself but not aggression against others.                
 To the best of my knowledge a baby in the womb has no self awareness and 
therefore an abortion is not taking a human life.                               
 I've studied the evidence and do not believe in global warning or that, even 
if there were global warming, carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels could be 
the cause of it.                               
 I am always hungry for more knowledge and all of my opinions are subject to 
change if and when new information presents itself.                             
-----Original Message-----                                
 From: "D.J.J. Ring, Jr."                                
 Sent: Feb 13, 2015 1:47 PM                                
 To: "                                sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx"               
 Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: [sparkscoffee] Re: [sparkscoffee] Re: 
[sparkscoffee] Re: [sparkscoffee] Re: [sparkscoffee] Inside Orlando’s first 
machine gun theme park                                
I don't think so.                                    
 If I could shoot a thousand people and stop the extermination by Hitler of 
thousands of Jews, handicapped, Catholics, and others at concentration camps, I 
 What say you, RR?  Is that murder to prevent the slaughter of thousands, nay, 
millions of people?                                 
 Or are you one of those people that believe in global warming but don't 
believe in the Nazi Holocaust, think it's OK for a woman to kill her husband's 
child, but has a fit if someone cuts down a tree?                               
On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 2:32 PM, Redacted sender                                
  sblumen123@xxxxxxx for DMARC                                  
<dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:                                  
                                   RR, DR                                  
Is it murder to execute a murderer or a policeman who kills a shooter about to 
shoot again, or to drop bombs on Nazi occupied countries?                       
WWII MM Vet.                                  
-----Original Message-----                                    
 From: Ron Ristad <                                    ristad@xxxxxxxxxxx>      
 To: sparkscoffee <                                    
Sent: Thu, Feb 12, 2015 10:47 pm                                      
 Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: [sparkscoffee] Re: [sparkscoffee] Re: 
[sparkscoffee] Inside Orlando’s first machine gun theme park                    
The murder you speak of is defined by the government. Is it murder to kill 
people in a war? Is it murder for Obama to kill hundreds of innocent women and 
children with drone strikes as well as suspected "terrorists" who were never 
given a trial?                                         
 Marriage contracts do not specify "until death do us part". You're confusing 
contract law with religious beliefs.                                         
 Murder isn't control. Control is making somebody do something for you.         
 Somebody has been brainwashed but it's not me.                                 
-----Original Message-----                                          
 From: "D.J.J. Ring, Jr."                                          
 Sent: Feb 12, 2015 8:15 PM                                          
 To:                                          sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx        
 Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: [sparkscoffee] Re: [sparkscoffee] Inside Orlando’s 
first machine gun theme park                                          
OK, then we should try the woman for murder.                                    
Also "freedom" of divorce in todays courts means absolute freedom from a 
contract made.                                         
It is the only place a contract can be ended one sided.                         
Killing an unborn child isn't controlling?                                      
Boy, have you been brainwashed.                                         
On Feb 12, 2015 9:56 AM, "Ron Ristad" <                                         
  ristad@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:                                           
 Nobody should be able to force a woman to give birth to a child if she doesn't 
want to.                                               
 Having to pay child support and not being allowed to see the child is a case 
of making a bad choice in a mate and/or of having made other bad choices.       
 If you want to force a woman to bear a child then you want control over her 
life and are no different than a communist.                                     
 If you want to deny a woman the freedom of divorce, for any reason, then you 
are no different than a communist.                                              
 The man you describe is called a "controlling personality".                    
 Many things in life we simply have no control over. We have no control over 
other people, unless we force them at the point of a gun and that kind of 
control is only temporary. The best we can do is live our lives according to 
our own moral principles. We cannot force our moral principles on others. Nor 
should we be surprised when others do not share our moral principles, even 
though we may have been taught them since early childhood. To think that our 
moral principles are superior to those of other peoples, races and religions is 
nothing but arrogance and ignorance on our part and can only lead to 
disappointment and conflict.                                               
-----Original Message-----                                                
 From: "D.J.J. Ring, Jr."                                                
 Sent: Feb 11, 2015 2:01 PM                                                
 To:                                                sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx  
 Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: [sparkscoffee] Re: [sparkscoffee] Re: 
[sparkscoffee] Re: [sparkscoffee] Re: [sparkscoffee] Re: [sparkscoffee] Inside 
Orlando’s first machine gun theme park                                          
Its all about control.                                               
A married couple is having a new baby, wife decides she does not want the 
child, she can abort the child, the father of the child has no say, and cannot 
protect his unborn child.                                               
If insteadvof aborting the child, the above wife wants a divorce, even though 
both are under a contract, the husband can not defend himsrlf under no fault 
divorce.  If husband does not want the child he will still pay.  If husband 
insists on joint custody, wif3 knows what to do, say she is afraid of husband, 
she gets a restraining order based on fear even though she was never threatened 
or abused.  Husband has that for the rest of his life:  It is a civil order 
that appears on his criminal record.                                            
It is all about control.                                               
Those are some very big reasons I say NO to communism.                          
On Feb 11, 2015 2:00 PM, "Redacted sender                                       
          sblumen123@xxxxxxx for DMARC" <                                       
          dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:                                   
Wowee, from one single shooting amusement park you have expanded it to a 
multiple bunch of issues I haven't the                                          
time to respond to each one. It is not up to you to say what the commies want, 
you are no expert in my humble socialist                                        
opinion. Gun safety like trigger locks is different from gun control like age 
limitations on ownership.  No fault divorces is                                 
first I hear about? Divorces is divorces friendly or not friendly is all I 
know? Abortions is very complicated depending                                   
on many circumstances which I thought was already decided after much 
investigations, discussions, etc. Abortions don't fit                           
all circumstances and you yourself once wrote that it is not up to us men to 
force our decisions on wimen on this matter?                                    
To much for me to comment on all the other stuff you brought up.                
-----Original Message-----                                                   
 From: D.J.J. Ring, Jr. <                                                   
 To: sparkscoffee <                                                   
 Sent: Tue, Feb 10, 2015 7:54 am                                                
 Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: [sparkscoffee] Re: [sparkscoffee] Re: 
[sparkscoffee] Re: [sparkscoffee] Inside Orlando’s first machine gun theme park 
 It isn't about gun safety.  It's about gun control.  One thing that the 
commies want is no one to be able to defend themselves.                         
 If you got rid of the #1 thing that is causing school shootings, it would 
 Get rid of no fault divorces and abortions.                                    
 That's another form of people control resulting in millins of fatherless 
 Have you noticed that all the boys who were involved in school shootings were 
children of divorce.  The fellow who was in the Marshfield, MA plan to shoot up 
the school actually turned in the ones who had weapons thinking he'd be doing 
the right thing.                                                           
 Wrong.  The police used him as a scapegoat.  He went to jail for the longest 
time.  Some say it's because the local police wanted to punish his father who 
is president of the Boston patrolman's union.                                   
 No Fault Divorce, Abortion, Restraining Orders are all part of "new law" where 
you cannot protect your family.  If your wife says she is "afraid" of you, even 
though you have not raised your voice, or your hand towards her, if your wife 
doesn't want to co-parent anymore, she can just divorce you and get complete 
control of the children, and by law you cannot defend yourself against no-fault 
divorce.  If you get a restraining order based on fear even though they're not 
supposed to be issued for just that, you can never remove it from your criminal 
record, which means you cannot do even volunteer work.                          
 Not that some Republicans aren't much better, but the TeaParty Republicans are 
- at least as a diverse group from all races, all sexes:  They don't want this 
crap.  I'm with them.                                                        
 Men (especially because the war is against them) should be able to defend 
themselves.  Attorneys that lie, police that lie should go to jail.             
 If you've ever encountered a moment when the whole system works to hurt you 
and your family, you know how much they can do.                                 
 When the court keeps the records and the records are your proof that they're 
lying, those records can be changed.                                            
 It does not stop.  The police won't investigate these crimes - because they're 
part of them.                                                      
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  • » [sparkscoffee] Re: [sparkscoffee] Re: [sparksco ffee] Re: Re: Re: Re: [sp arkscoffee] Re:Inside Orland o’s first machine gun theme park