[sparkscoffee] Re: Unequal income distribution

  • From: Sblumen123@xxxxxxx
  • To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2013 10:12:41 -0400 (EDT)

Enjoy watching the two of you talking to each other on how to
solve the world's problems. Too bad the two of you do not do
it to a wider audience? Try Facebook, Twitter, U-tube, a call
in program, Letters to the Editor, newspaper ad, run for
elected office or whatever? Been there.
Comrade B    
In a message dated 3/12/2013 10:02:14 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
schalestock@xxxxxxxx writes:


One of the agonizing aspects of the Arab/Israeli conflict is  that it is a 
battle for survival - especially on the Israeli side. Survival,  by 
definition, means anything goes, trumping morality most of all.

A  historical fact about Zionism I have always found interesting is that 
when the  Brits reneged on the Balfour Declaration that proposed a Jewish 
homeland in  Palestine, they offered  Uganda as an alternate Jewish homeland. 
But the  Zionists insisted it had to be Palestine. The ensuing violence (which 
 continues to this day) might have been adverted - the confiscation of a 
junk  of Africa aside.
At any rate, had that happened, the world would be a  different place 
today. And, given the natural resources of Uganda and the  intellectual 
capability of the Jews, an African Israel would probably be one  of the most 
prosperous places on earth today.

But of course, the bitter  lessons of history went unheeded and religion 
trumped common sense.

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