[sparkscoffee] Re: The United States was once the greatest country in the world

  • From: "" <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Redacted sender "sblumen123@xxxxxxx" for DMARC)
  • To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 1 May 2015 12:52:58 -0400

Arent you the smartest of all.

Stan the dumb one

-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Ristad <ristad@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Sent: Fri, May 1, 2015 9:40 am
Subject: [sparkscoffee] The United States was once the greatest country in the

The U.S. once had something that no other country in history has ever had
either before or since: Guaranteed individual rights and freedoms. This is what
brought the best and brightest immigrants to the U.S.. No other country in
history has ever had written into their constitution the UNRESTRICTED right to
bear arms, the right to free speech, freedom of assembly, freedom from search
and seizure, a prohibition from allowing the government to print fiat currency,
etc., etc..

Individualism vs. Collectivism

Communism, Socialism, Faciscm, National Socialism, and even Democracy are all
totalitarian governments based on the idea that the needs of the many outweigh
the needs of the individual. On the surface that might sound like a good idea
but in reality what it really means is that an individual or a small elite
group of people decide what is best for everybody else, even if it means
murdering anybody who doesn't agree with them, and these governments always end
up with an elite group owning most or all of the wealth and the people becoming
slaves. That is why in the U.S. today the top 1% own more wealth than the
bottom 99% and why the U.S. is rapidly becoming a police state.

It doesn't matter who you vote for, Republican, Democrat, left, right, liberal,
conservative, neo conservative, Tea Party, nothing ever changes because they
are all the same. They might promise different things but they do whatever is
best for themselves. Collectivism teaches that Individualism is selfish and
greedy but like any other ideology this criticism only applies to the followers
and never to the leaders.

Unless a third party arises to restore the rights and freedoms there were
guaranteed by the Constitution most Americans can expect to continue to lose
more and more of their freedoms, continue to see their standard of living
decline and have less and less opportunities to ever have a better life.

I wish I could be more optimistic but I can't. The Collectivists have control
over the educational system and mainstream media. Even people who realize
something is wrong are unable to identify the problem because they have been
thoroughly indoctrinated by government controlled educational system and
mainstream media. People blame politicians like Obama and Hilary when in fact
it matters not one bit who is in power because they are all the same.


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