[sparkscoffee] More inconsistencies (cont.)

  • From: Ron Ristad <ristad@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: undisclosed-recipients:;
  • Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2013 15:29:47 -0600 (GMT-06:00)


The media has done nothing but lie about the Newtown, CT murders. We were told 
Lanza's mother, Sandy, was a teacher at the school. No, she wasn't. We were 
told the classroom floor was, "littered with .223 assault rifle shells". No, it 
wasn't. Lanza had two 9mm pistols on him. The police admit he had no rifle; it 
was locked in the trunk of his car. How could the floor be, "littered with .223 
shells"? Why did the coroner find all the children were killed with .223 
bullets? He had two 9 mm pistols. The school was always on lockdown after 9:30. 
You had to buzz the front door, be admitted, and sign in. How did a masked 
gun-man get buzzed in?



Here it is directly from CNN folks, that Lanza had no rifle.

"Three weapons were recovered from the school: a semi-automatic .223 Bushmaster 
found in a car in the school parking lot, and a Glock and a Sig Sauer found 
with Lanza's body, a law enforcement official familiar with the investigation 

Want to go even further? Google "Adam Lanza did not exist" and see the CNN 
segment that shows he simply did not exist anymore. Then look at the videos 
that show the Hollywood actor Rob Reiner pretended to be Medical Examiner 
Carver. This just gets stranger and stranger all the time. Google "Rob Reiner 
Medical Examine at Newtown, CT". Stranger and stranger.

Again, a CNN reporter said police recovered three weapons at the scene: a Glock 
and a Sig-Sauer, which are handguns, as well as a .223 Bushmaster rifle. The 
rifle was in locked trunk of the car the gunman drove to the school, the 
handguns were inside the school. This was another staged government hoax like 
everything before it. The school shooting was another staged government setup 
like 9/11, the Underwear Bomber, the Shoe Bomber, the Oklahoma Federal 
Building, the Colorado theatre shooter, the Wisconsin temple shooter, the 
Portland mall shooter, and all the rest. What all these have in common is the 
patsy "lone gunman" was on psychiatric drugs. Lee Harvey Oswald was not the 
"lone gunman" who shot President Kennedy in 1963. Yes, it goes back over 50 
years to these framed murders.

Did you see Obama wipe three imaginary tears off his bone dry face on TV? 
Sickening, and a pitiful attempt at acting. He told the country we have to give 
up our freedoms to protect the children. Why should 312 million people pay for 
one mental patient did? All the gun laws would have never prevented this. He 
stole the guns; he didn't buy them. And the sheeple lapped it up.

Do you know what all these shootings had in common?

1) They were all government setups.

2) All the shooters were on psychiatric drugs.

Why not ban psychiatric drugs like Prozac, instead of guns?

Did you know Gandhi was a gun advocate? That's a fact. Were you taught that in 
school? This is directly from his own autobiography. Read it yourself. Yes, he 
held non-violence as the ideal, but he knew that people had to be armed for 
their own protection. He knew countries had to be armed for their own defense. 
The British took all the guns in India, so they could make subjects (slaves) of 
them. Gandhi spoke at length about this in his book. Facebook deleted this, as 
they don't want people to know the truth about Gandhi. He said the very worst 
thing the British did was to disarm India and make them helpless. Mike Adams 
wrote about this, and you can read more with this link.


"Among the many misdeeds of British rule in India, history will look upon the 
Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest." - Mohandas Gandhi, an 
Autobiography, page 446.


"Those who give up their liberty for more security neither deserve liberty nor 
security." Benjamin Franklin

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