[smsrobotics] Re: Gone Fishin' party favor

  • From: "Mulik, Jaiwant" <jaiwantmulik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "smsrobotics@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <smsrobotics@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2010 08:26:52 -0500


Colin .. Hopefully you are monitoring your email and getting the notes about 
female model T-Shirts.

Abby, please be on the look out for appropriate favors ... Let's say between 
500-750. You have to be careful about being able to the either bring this 
quantity with you or be able to ship it reasonably. Let us know if you find 


On 12/19/10 11:06 AM, "Maria DeVuono-Homberg" <devuonom@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Well, put it this way. If it is our brand, it will be our yearly "thing" to 
give out, possibly updated with a year written on it, etc. Quantity would not 
then be a problem. Usually there are 64 teams, about 10-30 people per team, 
spectators with kids. I think you're getting my point. It is A LOT of favors to 
give out. Hong Kong may well be our best bet for bulk purchase; we could either 
purchase or make the necklaces out of ribbon. Hopefully the cost, size, and 
weight of transport would be cost-effective/worthwhile.

I do love the idea of an authentic piece of fishing gear, net, possibly a 
lobster trap...we just have to make sure our pit would pass safety check.

On another note, would we want to coordinate with a red t-shirt background, 
white logo? Also in the t-shirt realm: if we could possibly get some female 
model t-shirts made along with the regular unisex cut, it would be great.

----- Original Message -----

From:  Mulik, Jaiwant 

To: smsrobotics@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2010 10:34  AM

Subject: [smsrobotics] Re: Gone Fishin'  party favor

This is a great idea! ... To help with searching  ones that we can afford .. 
Approximately how many of these should we  get?

Also, lindsay ... Great idea about the fishing net :-) Can you  look for one?

Maybe we can ask Kelsea Ames, I recall that her dad is a  commercial fisherman 
... So a real/used piece of fishing net would be  awesome.

On 12/18/10 3:32 PM, "Maria DeVuono-Homberg"  <devuonom@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi,  all,

I just  want to remind you that every team gives out gimicky items at the  
competitions. If you have a great favor, everyone flocks to your pit area.  
Most kids try to collect all the handouts; some people are covered in pins  
from head to toe. Pins are very common as are the colored beads. Gathering  
favors is one great way to start meeting people from the other teams, make  
connections. Social contact is hightly encouraged for spirit  building.

Since  our name is "Gone Fishing," we may want to consider giving out a  
fishing-related necklace. Lures have hooks, so very much against FIRST  safety 
rules! However, bobbers are very distinctive, could be part of all  our pit 
decorations and signage. If we wore anything at all to the kickoff,  we'd be 
branded and seen on TV around the world. Below are some images to  consider.

Just a  thought,
Maria  Homberg

   These could be put on ribbon necklaces. Everyone  will be wearing one. Big 
hit possiblity. However, at 25 cents each they are  a bit pricey. There is a 
bundle of 50 foam ones on amazon for  $10.

[cid:3375678412_198780519]A string  of lights to hang in our lab and pit areas.

     This is over the top to buy and expensive, but I bet we could  make it. 
Great for keeping snacks or bulky spare parts in the  pit.

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Director  of Academic Computing and Computer Science Instructor
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(508)  786-6155
Lekin  woh zindagi hi kya jisme koi namumkin sapna na ho?

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Director of Academic Computing and Computer Science Instructor
St. Mark's School, Southborough, MA
(508) 786-6155
Lekin woh zindagi hi kya jisme koi namumkin sapna na ho?

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