[sleafordbka] Bee's Starving - Reveiw of Bee Inspector Visit

  • From: martin robinson <martinrobinson26@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Beekeeping <Sleafordbka@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2012 16:30:41 +0100 (BST)

Ladies & Gents,
Bee's on the brink.
Most seasoned beekeepers will tell you this is a bad year for beekeeping, I am 
glad its not my first year. Having had the pleasure of escorting Andy Wattam 
around as a statutory inspection of my hives this sunny morning - it became 
apparent that I am being led into a sense of false security. The bee's bless 
them, are working hard - however there are not enough stores in place, most 
were ok but some are quite light in comparison to some of my other stocks. They 
have all built up well and when confined are chomping through the reserves at a 
great rate as their numbers swell  (2.5 kg per week on average). Remember a 
hive will need in excess of 20-30  kg of stores to see them through the 
winter period  (imagine a super full). It was also advised to start and think 
about varroa treatments - especially if  two are to done in good time, given 
the varying temps we are experiencing; action is needed now. It was a most 
enjoyable morning with the inspector
 and I would personally encourage more people to take up the offer of an 
inspection, as I learnt a few good tips along the way. Beebase has some 
great resources on beekeeping and I have utilised it a good few time now, just 
be prepared, remember next seasons starts now.
Remember dont let your livestock starve...for the sake of a jar of honey. Enjoy 
the bee's and the good weather. 
As an aside,  please be advised that a fellow bee keeper in the Lincoln 
area has reported a medium sized van loitering around his apairy site, just be 
on your guard as stocks are at a premium.
Regards Martin Robinson

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