[SI-LIST] Re: how to calculate board area & stack

  • From: "Paul Taddonio" <ptaddoni@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "'mbestha@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx'" <mbestha@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,si-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2003 09:25:46 -0500


For board area, you should design preliminary placement of parts, which is
driven by the following factors:

        How they are interconnected.
                Place parts to make the high speed connections short.
                Place parts to minimize traces having to cross each other
(rats nest in CAD)
        Where the external connectors are (including test headers)
        Airflow and heatsinking of the hotter parts.

You can use a CAD system OR you can cut out pieces of paper in the shape of
each component and place them manually.   Even simpler (and riskier), you
can just add up the area of each component, but
be sure to add spacing around each part for manufacturing, and then add 20%
for discrete
components and inefficiency of the real placement.

You have to decide if you will be placing parts on one side or both sides,
this is a manufacturing question. 

I don't have any advice for estimating stackup but a lot of other people on
this list do.
A lot of people on this list are experts at minimising the number of planes
to save cost.

In my industry we use a lot of layers to give all signals uninterrupted GND
reference planes
and we sometimes get forced into adding more layers when the board can't be
routed to our specifications by the PWB designer.

-Paul Taddonio

-----Original Message-----
From: mbestha [mailto:mbestha@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2003 11:13 PM
To: si-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [SI-LIST] how to calculate board area & stack


How to decide the board area required for perticular no chips and no of nets

suppose i have 2000 nets

chips is 9 chips

how to decide no of layers require and board size is it guess work or
calculated work

thanks all

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