[SFCC] Next Meeting and Your Inputs

  • From: "Buzz Brooks" <buzzbro@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "SFCC Members" <sfcc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 10 May 2011 12:41:18 -0700

SFCC Members,

Just a quick reminder that the next SFCC meeting will be on May 18th, in the
Fiesta room from 10 AM to 12 PM.  



1.     Quick review of the minutes and the financials

2.     The "Main Event:  

Chuck Howard and the Tech Team members will be running the meeting (I'll be
traveling) and are offering a great format for the members who can attend.
We would like each member to write a question regarding their (Apple or PC)
system on a 3 X 5 index card.  Chuck and the TechTeam will collect the cards
and attempt to answer your specific question.  Members can submit multiple
cards if they have a number of questions.  Our goal is to help you "Tame
Your Lion" - no question is too basic to submit (remember that there are
probably other members with the same question that will benefit from hearing
the answer to your question).

I'm glad to say the chairs in the computer room have been replaced with
chairs that are much sturdier than the previous ones and should stand up to
the heavy usage they get.

We are interested in your input on three items:

1.     Should we have a printer next to each pair of systems in the computer

2.     Should we upgrade the Office 2007 applications (Word, Excel,
PowerPoint) to the Office 2010 versions?

3.     Should we upgrade the Apple system to the new version that runs both
the Apple and Windows software? 


Please send your inputs to this address SunflowerComputerClubAZ@xxxxxxxxx
to let us know what you think we should invest in.




Buzz Brooks


(520) 572-7363 (H)

(520 235-5467 (M)


GIF image

Other related posts:

  • » [SFCC] Next Meeting and Your Inputs - Buzz Brooks