[seminarios-mlpb] Tuesday, May 8th, 13:00, PA2: Ana Tereza Freitas on "From genetics data to actionable knowledge"

  • From: Pedro Balage <pedro.balage@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "seminarios-mlpb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <seminarios-mlpb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2018 15:45:07 +0100


The next seminar will be given by Ana Tereza Freitas on "From genetics data to actionable knowledge" (see information below).

Please register for the seminar in the link below, where you can inform us of your food preference:


Please take into account that, for logistical reasons, we can only guarantee lunch for people registering before Friday at 11:00. The attendance is limited by the room capacity.


Pedro Balage


Priberam Machine Learning Lunch Seminar
Speaker:  Ana Teresa Freitas (HeartGenetics)
Venue: IST Alameda, Room PA2 (Pavilhão de Matemática)
Date: Tuesday, May 8th, 2018
Time: 13:00
Lunch will be provided

From genetics data to actionable knowledge

Genetic testing has long been a major promise to foster personalized healthcare and personalized wellness. The major barrier to its success and massification is the gap between getting the genetic data and providing actionable advice, alongside the high cost of the tests themselves as well as data modelling challenges.
Recent trends in genetic testing are showing strong signals that the adoption curve is about to grow significantly, particularly with the adoption of wellness genetic tests. Moreover, there is clear evidence that genetic tests increase engagement in therapeutics, as well as in nutritional and fitness plans.
In this talk we will discuss the benefit and application of cardiovascular and wellness genetic tests and will present modelling and machine learning algorithms can be used to transform raw genomic information into effective actions that can impact each individual in a daily basis.
In this age of digital revolution, we believe that genetic data is key to unlock personalization, becoming a stepping-stone to retrieving more data for business.

Ana Teresa Freitas (PhD) is CEO and co-founder/shareholder of HeartGenetics, Genetics and Biotechnology SA, since 2013.
HeartGenetics is a digital health company focused on transforming genetic data in effective advise in the wellness and medical fields,  with activity in Europa and Latin America.
She is also Full Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), University of Lisbon.
She holds a PhD in Computer Engineering and a Master degree in Electronics Engineering. She has a diploma from the Advanced Management Program on Innovation and Entrepreneurship from Católica Lisbon, School of Business and Economics.
Her main scientific expertise is on the areas of Bioinformatics, Human genetics, Health Informatics, Algorithms and Data Mining.


General info about our seminars: http://labs.priberam.com/Academia-Partnerships/Seminars
Please forward this link to whoever might be interested in attending the seminars.

Pedro Balage
Research Scientist

Email: pedro.balage@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:pedro.balage@xxxxxxxxxxx>
URL: http://labs.priberam.com

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  • » [seminarios-mlpb] Tuesday, May 8th, 13:00, PA2: Ana Tereza Freitas on "From genetics data to actionable knowledge" - Pedro Balage