[Section 31] The Past no longer.

  • From: scurrdi@xxxxxxx
  • To: section31@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2006 20:34:08 -0400

The Past no longer. 
By Shadow and Serpent 
The crowd was as normal as it could be, exams going through for the remaining 
students of the academy after the graduation that Issac had attended. It seemed 
odd, almost ironic to return to the place that first brought him into the 
section. Odd for him to be here, he was a marine after all, but his journeys 
had taken him strange enough places and now here he was back at the academy. 
It's just too bad that Fighorn isn't here to keep an eye on me for this one. He 
thought to himself quietly as he picked out the boy out of the crowd. Boy for 
now, man soon to be. First test, see if he can spot who he's looking for. Issac 
chuckled inwardly as he continued his stroll through the courtyard. 
Patrick walked further into the courtyard, gazing left and right. He had been 
walking around the courtyard for the past 10 minutes he hadn't the slightest 
idea of who he was looking for. He moved towards the center of the courtyard, 
his first instinct was to look for one of the three people that met with him 
yesterday, but none of them were anywhere. His next inclination was to look in 
someone not in uniform, but that was also a wash, for half the people in the 
courtyard were civilians. He was searching for a needle in a haystack. 
He instantly started looking for anybody taking an interest in him, but again, 
to no avail. He slowed down and started to look harder, trying to not let 
frustration creep into his head. They'll find me, there's no way I can find 
them. He thought to himself. Still he was anxious. He didn't want to wait any 
âMr. Markalis.â Came Issac's voice, simple yet commanding as it spoke from 
behind Patrick. "Follow me please." He said simply and turned around, heading 
out the opposite way into one of main academy buildings. 
Patrick whipped around to see the figure walking away from him. He began 
walking in pace with the figure a few steps behind him. A rush of adrenaline 
surged through him as he walked. He followed the man into the building, 
wondering where he was being led. 
Left, right, left, left. The turns just kept going in all different directions 
as they continued along their path, walking this way and that until they came 
in front of a set of double doors which did not open as they approached. 
Finally at this point Issac turned upon his new pupil. "Zis is your last 
chance. After zis you do not control your life anymore, zey do." 
Patrick looked up at the man. Something in the way the words came out, along 
with the expression on his face told Patrick that he wasn't lying. I sent a 
small chill down his back, but at this point he there was no turning back "I'm 
ready." he answered the man. 
"Zen enter, and face vatever you find within." Issac motioned to the double 
doors which had now opened. 
Patrick eyed the man, not sure what to expect. He walked in to the room. It was 
dark, he looked back in time to see the doors close behind him. He turned back 
around, trying to gain his bearings. It remained dark, but the distinct smell 
of standing water and mold. It was an all too familiar. He moved his arms to 
ensure that they were not chained. A light began to sneak through a crack in 
front of him, and the memory hit him. This was his old holding cell.  
Footsteps began to approach from the outside; he heard the fumbling of keys 
against the door. I've defeated this. I've gone through is before.  The door 
opened to reveal an almost blinding light, and the all too familiar hulking 
figure of his Klingon taskmaster. Patrick took deep breaths two more followed 
behind him. He suppressed the urge to fight, as it would be suicide.  So he 
stood his ground, staring up at the crime lord. 
"You can't hurt me anymore." he said, a confident smile crossed his face. The 
Klingon seemed angered, as if offended by the comment. Patrick saw the fist 
clinch. Before he could move out of the way, the fist came flying, landing 
square of Patrick's cheek. The impact sent him flying across the room. 
This isn't real he kept telling himself Itâs all an illusion. He felt his 
shoulders being clutched from behind and he was suddenly, violently brought up 
to his feet to face T'Parg.  "Hurt you? Pain will have no meaning once I'm 
finished with you."  He threw Patrick across the room, sending him slamming 
into a far wall. It will end soon he told himself I've experienced his pain, 
I've lived through it. He won't kill me, he's Klingon. To him, I don't deserve 
to die. 
A boot came flying into his midsection, causing Patrick to cry out in pain. 
When he could muster it, he brought himself up to his knees, another smile 
creeping across his face. "You can't hurt me, you're nothing anymore. Just 
common thug who faced a common thugs death. 
Patrick felt energized, the memory of T'Parg held no power over him anymore. 
Once a figure that imposed fear on him no longer could. Patrick had learned to 
deal with this fear, and all his fears. He felt his body fling towards the 
ground under the weight of another punch threw him to the ground. The 
experience started to become almost surreal, Patrick could hear himself 
laughing as the onslaught continued. T'Parg wasn't going to hurt him anymore.
âYour past lies before you, and now you must conquer it in order to move into 
your new life, a life vich knows no fear.â Issacâs accented voice rang out 
of the darkness as he appeared from the shadows. The others in the room seemed 
to have heard nothing, but he was there just the same. âDestroy it.â
Patrick eyed him, destroy T'Parg? he thought to himself. That seemed impossible 
to Patrick. The Klingon then rushing towards him, picking him up by the 
shoulders. T'Parg's grip seemed to crush his shoulders as he was raised off the 
ground. He had to think fast, the two other Klingons were laughing hysterically 
near the door. This was the time to act. With all the momentum he could muster, 
Patrick kicked his legs straight into T'Parg's knee, causing the Klingon to let 
go of Patrick's shoulders.
The crack was audible; T'Parg went crumpling to the ground in obvious pain. 
Patrick wasted no time in pouncing on the back of the crippled Klingon, 
grabbing his neck, and twisting it until he felt it break. 
It wasn't long until the two other Klingons had stopped laughing. They looked 
down in shock at their now dead master. Their rage overcame them as they began 
to rush Patrick. 
But their momentary lapse was all the time Patrick needed. Reaching down 
towards T'Parg's waist, he pulled out the sidearm, firing a shot each into the 
charging Klingonsâ midsections. He surveyed the wreckage, panting loudly. 
Issac walked over quietly and surveyed the scene of carnage before him. The 
holoroom slowly started to fade and soon the familiar black and yellow walls. 
"Circulate your breathing through your nose. Gives the appearance that your 
less tired." 
"Velcome to zee section Shadow, for zat is your name within zis world. Return 
to your quarters and pack your things, vee start tomorrow at 0400 hours." was 
the order as Issac surveyed Patrick once more, waiting for him to make his 
Patrick nodded. "All I own is in this knapsack" he motioned to the pack that 
was sitting near the corner of the room. Where do you want me to meet you?" 
âZee same courtyard as before, we will be taking a trip, to begin your 
transformation.â He added quietly as Patrick nodded and headed out of the 
double doors. 
A turn and Issac found himself looking across the room at another figure, 
seemingly hidden among an invisible shadow. âHe vell be good, vith time of 
course.â Issac checked the area once more to confirm for himself that they 
were indeed alone as he spoke. 
âAre you so sure? My concern is for you both, Edward used interesting methods 
which obviously have shown on you, and he needs to be trained quicker then 
normal. Do you think he can handle an accelerated training?â The deep though 
smooth voice spoke and Issasc felt for a moment as if god himself were speaking 
up at him. 
Issac raised an eyebrow for a moment and chuckled to himself. âVell, at least 
I understand zee situation a little better, no?â He straightened for a 
moment, as if addressing a superior officer in the marine corps, his other 
life. âDo not vorry, he vell be ready. The training begins now.â

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