[Section 31] "History of the Future: Part 2"

  • From: Lyryn Cate <wistful_fancy@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: section31@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2006 16:13:23 -0800 (PST)

    **Note: Background log for Julie Devine, previously released on USS Avalon**
  History of the Future:  Bringers of Apocaplyse
Part 2 - The Project
Julie Devine
"I?m convinced."
  "We thought you may see the advantage of our project, sir."
  "Indeed. With the UCP stepping up their aggression, supplies are running low, 
but I?m transferring more funding to the Service for it. How soon will your 
soldiers be ready, Brooks?"
  "You have to understand that this is a long term project. We?ve invested 
eight years into these children. We can?t rush."
  "I?m not asking you to rush, I?m inquiring as to when they?ll be ready to 
infiltrate the UCP."
  "I think four years should put the youngest one at 16; enough to fix the 
paperwork and enter them into the programs. They?ll train quickly and rise in 
ranks, be put in positions of command. Positions to make the difference." 
Captain Brooks spoke passionately about his project. Having dedicated his life 
to the Service, the elite group of scientists within the Alliance, he was 
beginning to see his dreams to fruition.
  The Alliance had been at war with the UCP for over a century, constantly 
vying for power, each in the name of peace, but mostly seeking out the few 
resources of the galaxy. Exploration had come to a standstill with both 
factions channeling their monies to the war effort.
  Brooks? epiphany had come to him as he was studying the increased temporal 
displacements due to the major skirmishes taking place in the explored 
quadrants. What if we could utilize them to change our future?
  "I?m still not pleased with the fact you used children."
  "Neither am I. But it was the only way to succeed. They had to be 
impressionable. They had to be intelligent. And they must have no familial 
  "Precisely. We?ve worked hard at training them, conditioning them to be 
closed off to those around them while cultivating a desire to please and gain 
acceptance. The perfect soldiers."
  "And how did you accomplish this?"
  "Adopted them out, repeatedly, to our own agents undercover. A six month stay 
here, a year there, and they were always returned to the orphanage."
  "Then Mensano works on training them in military ways," he filled in the 
  "Actually, Mensano only works with one. Six children, six trainers."
  "I see. And how do you train them for their true mission?"
  "Are you sure you want to know?"
  Angled and precise seemed to be the best description of the laboratories. Ice 
and steel were the impression one was left with. And silence. They all worked 
in silence.
  Gerard moved through the corridors cradling the child in his arms. He had 
done so for years and the increased weight with her growth didn?t concern him. 
Her long, loose curls grazed his arms and he tried not to look at the serene 
sleep etched upon her face, the dreamless perfection of sedation. Walking in 
the still atmosphere, he knew his destination, for he visited nightly. Tonight, 
he would sit with the girl as she went through the process.
  Entering the black-lit room, Gerard laid his burden upon the tiny bed and 
adjusted her arms, crossing her hands upon her stomach with kindness, making 
her as comfortable as possible. 
  And then they came.
  Two men and a woman filed into the room. Not a word was spoken as they formed 
a triangle around the girl?s head. One took his place at the top of the bed, 
the other two on each side. Gerard melted into the shadows as they extended 
their hands until overlapping, hovering over the child?s face, as they began 
their work.
  With each subtle shift of their hands, the three manipulated the child's 
mind; she whimpered. In silence they programmed her to do what they needed; she 
writhed. Their control of her mind was complete, their desires inserted deeper 
inside her, where no one, not even herself, could ever find them. Her face 
contorted as they bypassed all the barriers previously built.
  Gerard had long been desensitized to the process. He didn?t even flinch when 
the child screamed, blood beginning to trail from her nose. Stepping up to the 
table, sure to not interfere with the trance of the telepaths, he turned her 
head to the side as she began choking on the blood running down the back of her 
throat. The process would take hours before Gerard could wash the mess from her 
face and hair, returning her to the orphanage so she could awaken in her own 
  "You?re abusing her."
  "I know," Mensano sighed. "But it?s for her benefit. She?ll thank me one day."
  "But she?s made so much progress! Can?t you ease up just a bit? You don?t see 
what they put those children through at night. And then to spend the day 
training their bodies to keep up with their minds..."
  "So noted, Gerard, but it?s not possible."
  "Four languages! She?s twelve and speaks four languages fluently, as well as 
proficiency in the ancient arts. At least stop drowning her."
  "And you became my conscience, when, Gerard?"
  "I?ve always been your conscience, sir. You just never noticed until now. 
Perhaps your real one is making its way through the murky waters to the light 
of day."
  "Perhaps my real one drowned years ago." 

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  • » [Section 31] "History of the Future: Part 2"