God and Country Award Opportunity for Scouts 9th - 12th grades

  • From: "Bates, Hal" <HBates@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2010 12:28:22 -0400

Fred Grosse, President of Elon Homes and Schools for Children, has
offered to lead the God and Country program for our troop next fall.
This program is only for scouts that are in grades 9-12.


Please see the information below, Fred will also be at our September 7th
Court-of-Honor to answer questions on the program.


This is a fantastic opportunity for several of our older boys so please
let me know if you son would be interested.




(for Scouts Grades 9 - 12)


Curriculum Goals:

To provide opportunities for young people to:

*         Strengthen their relationship with Christ 

*         Be open to God's calling in their lives 

*         Make a plan for daily Bible reading 

*         Experience the joy of serving others 

*         Write a statement of commitment 

General Description

The God and Life curriculum is the final program in the P.R.A.Y. series.
After being introduced to Jesus as their best friend (God and Me),
learning how the family is to grow strong in God's love (God and
Family), and studying the church as the body of Christ (God and Church),
students in the God and Life program will seek to understand their call
to a life of discipleship. The God and Life curriculum will focus on the
life of the Apostle Paul as recorded in Acts 9:1-31. This is a brief
account that describes how Paul encountered Christ and was changed
forever. Five chronological "events" out of this story will be
highlighted and used as the focus for the five different sections in
this program. Each section will illustrate a key element in learning how
to live one's life for Christ: 


Samuel is Called by God - 1 Samuel 3:1-10

 Section 1: God Calls All Kinds of People

Before his conversion, Paul persecuted Christians. God does not call
perfect people. God calls ordinary people and transforms them. 

 Section 2: God Doesn't Expect Us to Do It On Our Own

After his conversion, Paul was helped by Ananias and Barnabas. The
Christian life needs the help and fellowship of Christian believers. 


Section 3: Each of Us Must Make a Personal Response to the Call of God.
After his encounter with Christ on the Damascus road, Paul was baptized
and filled with the Holy Spirit. He responded and accepted God's call
for his life. The Holy Spirit is at work in our lives - we just need to


Section 4: God Gives Strength to Face Adversities.

Paul led a difficult life: many people wanted him dead. God does not
promise a life free from difficulty and suffering. On the contrary, the
times of difficulty and suffering may strengthen our dependence on God
and prepare us for greater service.  God does not guarantee an easy
life, but God does promise to be with us. 


Section 5: God Can Accomplish Great Things Through Those Who are Willing
to Do God's Will.

Because of Paul, the church was strengthened and it grew in numbers. God
can use each of us for God's purposes!


Proposed syllabus

*         Fifteen to twenty class meetings between September 2010 and
May 2011

*         Six to ten scouts in class is optimal

*         Each scout will share class responsibility for the STUDY and
REFLECT sections

*         All SERVE projects (five total) must be approved and completed
on time

*         EVERY scout will have a Board of Review to test for competency
for Award

*         EVERY scout must memorize: Pledge of Allegiance, Lord's
Prayer, Apostle's Creed, Scout Oath or Promise, Scout Law, Scout Motto,
Scout Slogan and Outdoor Code.

*         Scouts must bring their workbook to every class meeting with
completed work

*         Scouts workbook will be turned over to Board of Review panel
for inspection

*         God and Life Program medal and patch to be awarded upon
successful completion of standards for the Award and by recommendation
of the Board of Review 



Hal Bates
Scoutmaster - Troop 17
http://www.ScoutTroop17.org <http://www.scouttroop17.org/> 
2204 Teal Court
Burlington, NC 27215
HM: 336.585.1962
WK: 336.586.1325
MB: 336.269.2215


Other related posts:

  • » God and Country Award Opportunity for Scouts 9th - 12th grades - Bates, Hal