[ScintillaNET] Re: ScintillaNET -- Back from the dead

  • From: Darryl Pogue <dvpdiner2@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: scintillanet@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2006 10:33:45 -0700 (PDT)

My free time is probably just as restricted as yours, but I'd be happy to help 
in contributing in any way possible.

Thanks for taking on this project, it's been extremely useful in the past.



----- Original Message ----
From: Garrett Serack <gserack@xxxxxxxxx>
To: ScintillaNET Mailing list <scintillanet@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, August 4, 2006 6:19:01 AM
Subject: [ScintillaNET] ScintillaNET -- Back from the dead

 New host, new wrapper, new everything.
 or even better http://www.scide.net
 Haven't I seen this before?

 Yes, well, I've written five (now SIX!) .NET versions of the ScintillaNET 
wrapper,  a few in Managed C++, one a hybrid of Managed and Native code, and 
some in C#. Each time, it gets better and better.

 So what's different this time?

 Well, the generator is written using CodeDom as opposed to string 
manipulation, so it's a bit easier to ensure the code comes out right. 
Additionally, I'm optimizing a bit of the thick code out of the way.

 And, I'll likely create a new configuration system. Unless of course I make 
one the same. I dunno, the last one got out of hand. I think I still want it 
really flexible, but it's gotta be useable. sigh

 Is there a new mailing list?
Hmm. Good question. No, I'll keep the one at http://tinyurl/yvoh2 but, we may 
use the forums at CodePlex. 

 So, what about the SourceF?rge Project
Um, I moved to SVN so long ago that SF wasn't suiting me. Now, I guess I'll use 
TFS hosted at CodePlex.

 What's the status?
I've already got the generator working, but I'm still adding some of the 
translators. I'm also integrating an HTML text editor into the whole kit. (! 
very cool stuff kids! ) 

 What can be done?

 I need help.  Please, if you want to work on ScintillaNET , please pitch in. 
I'm wildly unreliable on my free time, so anyone who can contribute, I'll take. 

 I'm building a task list right now, some tasks are easier than others, so I 
can use anybody.

 Garrett Serack

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