[sac-forum] Call for Observation - Sagittarius

  • From: AJ Crayon <acrayon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: SAC Forum <sac-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2005 21:28:55 -0700

This request is a little tardy as there have been a couple of other topics that have taken center stage.  Moving on here's the list of objects for September's column - straight from the August issue.

Where should we start with Sagittarius, our September constellation selection?  It is difficult to contain myself; so many objects so little space.  Rick, if observations warrant can we do 4 pages?  One of the easier to find in this month’s selection is the open cluster M23, a long time personal favorite of mine.  Of the many easy star hops to get there I’d suggest a 4° hop to the north of northwest from M20 (the Trifid Nebula).  After soaking up all the photons you want, the next object is a little more than 2° southwest to NGC6440 and NGC6445.  These two are less than 30’ apart and will fit in the same field of view and along with the Milky Way is a gorgeous view.  Spend a few moments enjoying this view.  Our next two are the globular clusters NGC6522 and NGC6528.  They are also in the same field of view and are located between gamma-1 and gamma-2 Sagittarii.  They are not showpiece globular clusters but are visible through what is called Baade’s Window, a hole in the obscuring galactic clouds that permit us to peer to the other side of the Milky Way.  These spherical balls of stars are in the neighborhood of 60 thousand light years distant.  Again, spend another few moments enjoying and contemplating this view.  The next to last entry on our list is a 2° hop to NGC6520 and B86.  Check out the colored star just across the dark nebula.  The last one is well to the west and is found a little more the 2° north of northwest from lambda Sagittarii.  It is the planetary nebula NGC6629.  If you are doing, or contemplating doing, the Herschel 400 list all of these objects for this month are there with the exception of M23.

Now if you didn't get a chance to observe over the Labour Day weekend, don't fret send in observations of the above that were made some time in the past.

Thanks and clear skies,

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  • » [sac-forum] Call for Observation - Sagittarius