[sac-board] Minutes of January 2004 Board Meeting

  • From: "Joe Macke" <joe01@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "SAC Board" <SAC-Board@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2004 15:05:55 -0700


Below are the minutes of the January board meeting for comments,
corrections, etc.

Saguaro Astronomy Club
Minutes of Board Meeting
January 8, 2004
The meeting was called to order at 0145UT.

Thad Robosson, Rich Tejera, Al Stiewig, Dave Frederickson, Joe Macke, Jack
Jones, Jennifer Keller, Stan Clark, Paul Dickson, Steve Coe, A.J. Crayon

1. Thad inquired about the officer change-over.  Paul reported that he had
about two days of clean-up work to do on the books and the change would be
completed by the end of the month.  Dave said that he had already taken
posession of the club property.

2. A.J. reported on the Messier Marathon.  It will be the new moon weekend
in March, 109 objects are possible.  Two things are still needed, a
porta-potty and good weather.  A question was raised as to whether it would
be possible to relax the rule requiring the turn-in of check-off sheets
prior to the coordinators departure.  There have been a few instances of
people not getting them turned in.  The general feeling was to leave the
rules as they have been made by the coordinator.  A.J. did allow that
someone could stay longer on Sunday morning for the late sleepers to collect
the check-off sheets.  Jennifer volunteered to do so.

3. The Glendale Parks people want dates for the public star parties.  As
previously discussed on the mailing list, April 24 will be the Spring party.
Jack will select a date in the Fall and announce it on the SAC-board mailing

4. T-shirt sales will be available via the web site.  It will be just ads on
the site with contact information to buy the shirts.

5. Jack reported that the last Pierre Schwar mirror has a potential buyer
from San Diego who will make the purchase at Sentinel next weekend (Jan 17.)

6. There was a discussion of advertisements in the SACNews.  Rick mentioned
that there is already a business membership ($100 per year) that includes
advertising space.  Rick will develop a policy for future consideration.
The ads promised to Starizona in return for Christmas party door prizes will
go ahead, as well as an ad requested by the Phoenix Amateur Astronomical
Society to sell a group of green laser pointers they acquired.

7. Board meetings will be quarterly, the next in April.  Thad and Jennifer
will work out the agenda and its form.

8. Thad brought up the topic of reworking the novice group to bring it more
before the public.  Suggested were in-town meetings to attract those
reluctant to drive to the middle of nowhere, and occasional short
novice-oriented presentations at the regular meetings.  The novice group is
now being led by co-coordinators, Steve and Rick.

9. Jennifer suggested that a table be set up at all meetings for members to
sell their astro-bits.  It was felt that members are always welcome to sell
their surplus and it is not necessary to set up a special table for it.
Thad will make an announcement at the meeting that member sales are welcome
at all meetings.

10. A request to raise the speaker honorium to $100 was made.  During the
discussion, it was revealed that SAC's honorium is already higher than
TAAA's or EVAC's and Jennifer said that she didn't feel that it was
necessary to raise the fee to get the quality of speakers we have been
getting.  It was voted to leave the honorium to $50 for in-town speakers and
$75 for speakers from out-of-town.

11. A motion was made to pay for each month's speaker and their guest at
J.B.'s.  This motion passed.  It will be done by a member picking up the tab
and submitting the receipt to the treasurer for reimbursement.

12. A motion was made to waive the membership dues for board members and
working members (group chairmen, newsletter editor, etc.)  It would require
an amendment to the club constitution and all that entails.  It was
commented that some clubs do this to encourage members to participate in the
offices and to repay the working members.  The feeling was that it may be a
good idea, but the club isn't large enough to support such a policy, so the
board declined to present this to the membership.

13. Jennifer suggested that the board adopt an idea used by EVAC to put time
limits on board agenda items.  If discussion continues beyond the allocated
time for an item, the item will be tabled for future consideration.  The
board adopted this suggestion.

14. Ideas for club field trips (day trips) were solicited, any members with
ideas, please pass to any board member.

The meeting adjourned at 0225UT.

Joe Macke, Secretary

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