[rsc] Setting the Spring Exchange

  • From: Kathie de Nobriga <kdenobriga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: rsc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2007 08:13:56 -0500

FOUR people available on
2/29 -- Carleton, Gwylene, Patton and Bob
3/14 -- Carleton, Patton, Dr. T, Kathie
4/25 --  Carleton, Gwylene, Luisa Beire, Kathie
5/03 -- Carleton, Bob, Dr. T, Kathie

FIVE people available on
4/04 -- Carleton, Gwylene, Luisa Beire, Patton, Kathie
4/11 -- - Carleton, Gwylene, Luisa Beire, Patton, Kathie

I did not poll the incoming facilitators.
I did not get responses from Anu, Steven, Laura, Carolyn, Chetan, or Nayo.

April 4 would be the weekend before the big Spelman project with the Dance Dept. and an Austin TX Dance Company, and would allow for some additional interaction, so April 4 gets my vote.

Is anyone planning to be in ATL on either January 23 or 30, to talk to Barbara Nesin's Art in Social Action Class? 4-6:30pm. I can help plan, but can't be there.

talk to everyone on Friday, 4:30 eastern.


Kathie deNobriga
PO Box 1087
Pine Lake GA 30072  USA
(404) 299-9498 phone & fax
(678) 427-9673 cell

"To stumble is not to fall, it's just a way to move forward more quickly."
        Ben Cohen, co-founder Ben & Jerry's

"If you fall down, do it again 2 more times. They'll think it's part of the choreography."
        Nick Condos, tap dancer extraordinaire

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