[rollei_list] ...was OT Time, digital world

  • From: CarlosMFreaza <cmfreaza@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: rollei_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2010 12:43:10 -0300

2010/12/20 Roger Wiser <rwiser@xxxxxxxxxxx>:

> A further comment of digital. Digital, as we know, eliminated, many photo
> stores, and the few photo stores left around here look like they are dying.
> Some of the large department stores and grocery store that have huge photo
> shops only carry 35mm print film.

Yes Roger, those are well known facts and happening everywhere; five
years ago I could buy 120, 110, APS film and others formats at our
biggest local photography store and lab, and they still did E6
process,  I only find 35mm color negative film there today and they
only do C-41 and prints from digital files, anyway they still process
a good volume of C-41 (even my 120 color negs) and a few people still
buy P&S film cameras; the area dedicated to digital is pretty larger
than the dedicated to film, a significant difference regarding some
years ago; but I still can buy 120 film and B&W chemicals via e-shop
and to develop my B&W shots and to send 1000km from my city the slide
films for E6 process. I enjoy every roll of film I take and they are
becoming a true treasure to me.About digital, I'm considering to buy a
good cell-phone to replace my P&S digital camera.

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  • » [rollei_list] ...was OT Time, digital world - CarlosMFreaza