[rollei_list] Re: question on operating and on screen for RolleiGX and Hood

  • From: Per Einar Forberg <p.e@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: rollei_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 19 May 2005 23:46:44 +0200


yeah, yeah. BREAK. Just a slip. My english is so rusty so I'm aware
that I misspell words all the time. I'm quite sure my sentence building
is errorus as well. My favourite misspellings is when they actually forms
other words, which sometimes can be really funny.

The rason why I ask how you treat your Rolleis is partially described in
my previous posting. My knobs are in such a good condition with the
plastic still feeling like new, which is why I thought you mifgt have 
to handle the
cameras really rough to make them break.
But I now suspect the weather, or climate, has a saying in this.

Per Einar

>No, the levers are a very brittle plastic and are easy to break, not
>brake.  The 2.8Cs that I see at camera shows ALL have had cracked
>I treat all my Rolleis with respect.  Why do you ask?
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