[roc-chat] Re: AMWProX Group order/free hazmat

  • From: Rick Dickinson <rtd@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: roc-chat@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 15:34:18 -0800

Personally, I'd rather order through Jack, as he sacrifices a lot to attend all of our launches. Just imagine what it costs him to drive that trailer down all the way from Stockton every launch! What's Up Hobbies gets all of my HPR motor (and kit, and part) business, and I don't see that changing any time soon.

Support your on-site vendors,

 - Rick Dickinson

On 1/22/2014 3:18 PM, Andrew Wimmer wrote:
Hi Everyone,

Robert DeHate of AMWPro-X recently started a deal with free hazmat shipping on motor orders over $400. I'm going to be putting in a CTI order with him for the February launch and was wondering if anyone else would be interested in going in together to try to get to $400 so we can get free shipping. I talked to him on the phone and he said that he could combine the orders on his end and ship them all in the same box, separated by order, so people could pick them up at the February launch.

If you're interested, head to http://www.amwprox.com/ <http://www.amwprox.com/> and select "hold for pickup" when you are selecting the shipment option and enter "Ship to Andrew Wimmer for ROC February".

He carries nearly the entire Cesaroni line in stock with the exception of some of the bigger 75's and 98's, and his stock levels are shown online and updated with every transaction, so you know if what you need is available at that moment.

He said he'd ship on January 31st, so get your orders in before midnight on the 30th. Also, if the total doesn't reach $400, I still need a few things anyway and can cover hazmat so we all still get our stuff. Kits and other components also count towards the $400 for free shipping.



Andrew Wimmer
Department of Electrical Engineering-MS 2015
University of California, Los Angeles
MIT Aero/Astro 2012

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