[realmusicians] strange sonar behaviors

  • From: Chris Belle <cb1963@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "realmusicians-freelists.org" <realmusicians@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2011 21:41:23 -0600

anybody ever get this?

I was recording today, or mixing rather and all of a sudden,
automation just quit working.

I checked all the abvious stuff, automation read and write and global automation playback, usually you can control this per control and don't have to enable it except automation read on the track.

but all of my automation just disappeared.

Then later, when I was dumping a track through the board, in real time, at a certain point in the song, the in put track got muted.

I had to manually start record/playback to get it to record the rest of the track as i wanted to use the eq from the board, and I've done this dozens of times.

Go figure, I wasn't even using automated mutes.

This is just the dangest thing I've ever seen.

I remedied
my automation issue by exporting the tracks and bringing them back in to another project and re-doing the automation, not too bad as it was just a backing track and the automation for auto-tune and such was still on the vocal track, only the volume automation went away, and even tryin to dump to another trackin the same project wouldn't work.
 So something got hosed in that cwp file I think.

Just strange.

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  • » [realmusicians] strange sonar behaviors - Chris Belle