[realmusicians] Accessibility Fixes In The Sonar 8.5.2 Patch, Some Undocumented

  • From: "Phil Muir" <info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Dancing Dots E-mail List \(E-mail\)" <ddots-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Free Sonar Scripts \(E-mail\)" <jsonar@xxxxxxxxxx>, "Real Musicians \(E-mail\)" <realmusicians@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "MIDIMag \(E-mail\)" <midimag@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2009 22:31:13 -0000

Hi     all!

Thought some of this may need a little translation.


  a.. Event list view was not accessible
  Translation: the event view did work previously in versions of Sonar
however, Jaws would sometimes become lost in the event view.  The event view
has now been added to the CWACCESS Window in the 8.5.2 patch.  This means
that the event view will be 100% reliable, once script developers add this
to the various packages available for Sonar.  WindowEyes users can already
take advantage of this feature as WindowEyes, reads the CWACCESS Window, out
of the box.
  b.. Accelerator keys fixed for the following: Audio Effects Dialog, Audio
  c.. Translation: I don't know if anyone noticed this but, in the audio
affects/softsynthes dialog, since around Sonar 5.2, it's not been possible
to add an affect/softsynthe if it had the letter L in front of it.  If you
did then, you would open up the layouts box.   This meant that for example,
the letter L was stripped off audio affects such as the Lexicon Pantheon.
  d.. Using keybinding to arm a track did not always work while a project
was playing
  e.. Translation: they have fixed the keybindings option to arm tracks,
when playback is happening.
  f.. Can now change focus in Track view to the Track Inspector
  g.. Translation: the letter I used to show or hide the track inspector on
screen.  It now actually places the user in the track inspector.  Excellent
if your using a package such as Windoeyes or, any scripting package where
this access isn't done for you automatically.
  h.. The next few don't need any kind of translation.
  i.. Extra Encoding Options was missing a keyboard accelerator
  j.. Insert Tracks dialog had incorrect or missing accelerator keys
  k.. Paste | Advanced dialog had missing accelerator keys

Some undocumented fixes that I have discovered:

If you pull up the Plug-in manager then, you will be focussed inside it.
Note: script developers may need to take advantage of this new functionality
by accounting for this in their code.  Also, the project information dialog
has now been fixed so that users don't get trapped inside it.  For example,
previously, clicking on the more button would cause a user to become stuck
in there.  Also, can't remember if this was the case before in Sonar 8.5 but
when using scripting Sonar with packages where the function key F6 isn't
used for other things,s F6 will jump you between various views such as the
bus, clips pane etc.  Finally, you will have noticed in the blurb on the
Cakewalk website that the Matrix view has become accessible.  Off to learn
how to use the Matrix view now, grin.

Regards, Phil Muir
Accessibility Training
Telephone: US (615) 713-2021
Mobile: UK +44-7968-136-246

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  • » [realmusicians] Accessibility Fixes In The Sonar 8.5.2 Patch, Some Undocumented - Phil Muir