[rc3r] Re: Membership

  • From: Ken Young <kanawha72@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: rc3r@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 02 Feb 2017 13:54:55 -0500

After our experience with Stephan this raises some red flags for me. Eight seems pretty young even for an Associate Member. If the parent or grandparent that sponsoring him is a train person, has his own trains, and runs trains with us and with his son/grandson present then that might be OK. If the sponsor isn't a train person and mainly is doing this just because the eight year old likes to "play with trains" then we are leaving ourselves open to become babysitters and whatever liability that may entail. What happens when the sponsor gets bored and wanders off? I rarely remember seeing anyone with Stephan even though he said his grandfather was around.

My opinion right now is if the sponsor doesn't have O gauge trains and isn't running trains with us then they shouldn't be allowed to join. The By-Laws say we have to vote on Associate members. We need to tread very carefully about this.


On 2/1/2017 6:40 PM, Christopher Nagle wrote:


The meeting of the River City 3 Railers will be on Saturday February 4th at 8 AM <x-apple-data-detectors://0> at member Peter Condro's house. Peter will be serving his famous pancakes.

Peter Condro

1801 Oakengate Lane <x-apple-data-detectors://1/1>

Midlothian, Va. 23113 <x-apple-data-detectors://1/1>

phone: 804 - 594 - 0204 <tel:804%20-%20594%20-%200204>

Also, my phone number is 585-713-0579.

Chris Nagle

*From:*Ken Gailis [mailto:gailisken@xxxxxxxxx]
*Sent:* Tuesday, January 31, 2017 9:10 PM
*To:* Christopher Nagle <christopher.j.nagle@xxxxxxxxx>
*Subject:* RE: Membership


I'd like to attend Sat AM.  Please send the info.



On Jan 30, 2017 17:43, "Christopher Nagle" <christopher.j.nagle@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:christopher.j.nagle@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Mr. Gailis,

    We are always looking for new members. However in order to join
    the club, you have to be 18 in order to be a full member. What
    would need to happen is that a responsible adult sponsor
    (yourself, or one of his parents) would have to join the club, and
    add your grandson as a “family” member. The full member would be
    expected to be present whenever your grandson is present, and
    engage in the life of the club. That shouldn’t sound like a burden
    though, because as a group we have a lot of fun!

    As far as membership cost, an individual membership is a total of
    $84 annually ($60 to the club itself to cover expenses such as the
    trailer, and $24 to our parent club to cover our 501(c)3 status,
    liability insurance, etc.). “Family” membership costs an
    additional $5 per year and covers any additional immediate family
    members that would like to participate.

    As far as running trains, our primary occasion is our various
    events, although we have several smaller “one” day set ups with
    our smaller layout that aren’t advertised to the public (such as
    nursing homes, schools, etc.). In addition, members host our
    meetings, usually held quarterly, and if they have a home layout
    the meeting is normally followed by a “run what ya brung” session.

    I would invite you and your grandson (and perhaps one of his
    parents, depending on who would be willing to sponsor him) to
    attend our next meeting, this Saturday (February 4) morning at
    8am. At that time you can discuss membership more at length with
    myself or any club member. Breakfast will be provided. If you are
    still interested, let me know and I will provide you the address
    and contact information.

    Thank you for your interest.


    Chris Nagle

    Webmaster / Secretary , River City 3 Railers

    *From:*Ken Gailis [mailto:gailisken@xxxxxxxxx
    *Sent:* Sunday, January 29, 2017 2:37 PM
    *To:* chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    *Subject:* Membership

    Is it possible to enroll my 8 year old grandson in the club? He
    loves model trains and got to run his train at the Great Big
    Greenhouse, thanks to Tom. My grandson is a well mannered young
    man. Is there a fee?  Are there times the group gets together to
    run trains other than events? Anything else to know?


    Ken Gailis

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