[rc3r] Re: Has anyone seen this TIU power thread?

  • From: Ken Young <kanawha72@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: rc3r@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2018 14:27:04 -0400

Much ado about nothing.

The guy is powering each TIU channel from a separate postwar ZW and is worried about bridging power districts when an engine or passenger car sits across the rail gap between two power districts. When the bridging a gap occurs he is paralleling the outputs from two ZW's. This should only be an issue if there is a short circuit at the same time as the engine or passenger car rollers are bridging the gap. The two ZW's being in parallel increases the current available for the short. The fix is to use good circuit breakers on the output of each ZW. The 7 amp thermal breakers he is using are probably too slow so he should use some kind of fast acting electronic breaker like a PSX-AC on each ZW output.

However, why do that when he would be far better off buying one Lionel PH180 transformer and using it to power all four channels. The breaker on the PH is one of the best I've ever seen. It will trip on any short no mater how minor. The 10 amp output from a PH180 should be enough to run a lot of trains. I use just one PH feeding 3 TIU channels. If 10 amps isn't enough, get two and feed two channels with one PH. Postwar ZW's should be used for the postwar AC motored trains they were designed for.


On 6/15/2018 1:15 PM, Thomas Gilsdorf wrote:

I read it. As I understand Barry's answer, this is a non-issue. My layout has four transformers, power districts, and fixed TIU channels

Thomas Gilsdorf

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Condro <pcondro@xxxxxxxxx>
To: rc3r <rc3r@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Fri, Jun 15, 2018 8:44 am
Subject: [rc3r] Has anyone seen this TIU power thread?


.......and what do u think?

Sent from my iPad

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