[racktables-users] RackTables visualised

  • From: Colin Coe <colin.coe@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: racktables-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2009 15:45:24 +0800

Ugly?  You bet...

This is a first attempt to create a schematic of the data connections
within a site (think RackRow table).  It's an ugly hack and I've never
coded in PHP before so please be nice.

I'm intending to continue on this but comments from the community are welcome.


// Our purpose is to produce a graphic
header ("Content-type: image/png"); 

function GetMySQLData(&$devices, &$links, &$sites, &$port_count, &$ports) {
        $sql_query = "
select distinct RO.id as ROid1, RO2.id as ROid2, RO.name as ROname1, RO2.name 
as ROname2, P.name as pname1, P2.name as pname2, L.porta, RR.name as site
from RackObject RO, RackObject RO2, Port P, Link L, Link L2, Port P2, RackRow 
RR, Rack R, RackSpace RS
where RO.name     != RO2.name                          and
      RR.id        = R.row_id                          and
      R.id         = RS.rack_id                        and
      RS.object_id = RO2.id                            and
      RO.id        = P.object_id                       and
      P.id         = L.porta                           and
      RO2.id       = P2.object_id                      and
     (P2.id        = L2.porta or P2.id    = L2.portb)  and
     (P.type       = 24 or       P.type   = 19)        and
     (L2.porta     = L.porta and L2.portb = L.portb)
order by L.porta";

        include "/var/www/racktables/inc/secret.php";
        $dblink = mysql_connect("localhost", $db_username, $db_password) or 
        mysql_select_db("racktables", $dblink) or die(mysql_error()); 
        $result = mysql_query($sql_query, $dblink) or die(mysql_error()); 
        while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { 
                if (isset($devices[$row['ROname1']])) {
                else {
                        $devices[$row['ROname1']] = 1;
                if (isset($devices[$row['ROname2']])) {
                else {
                        $devices[$row['ROname2']] = 1;
                $links[$row['porta']] = array(
                        "Site"    => $row['site'],
                        "Device1" => $row['ROname1'],
                        "Device2" => $row['ROname2'],
                        "Port1"   => $row['pname1'],
                        "Port2"   => $row['pname2']);
                $sites[$row['ROname1']] = $row['site'];
                $sites[$row['ROname2']] = $row['site'];
                $presult = mysql_query("SELECT name FROM Port where (type = 19 
or type = 24) and object_id = ".$row['ROid1'], $dblink);
                $port_count[$row['ROname1']] = mysql_num_rows($presult);
                while($prow = mysql_fetch_assoc($presult)) { 
                        $ports[$row['ROname1']][$prow['name']] = 1;
                $presult = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Port where (type = 19 or 
type = 24) and object_id = ".$row['ROid2'], $dblink);
                $port_count[$row['ROname2']] = mysql_num_rows($presult);
                while($prow = mysql_fetch_assoc($presult)) { 
                        $ports[$row['ROname2']][$prow['name']] = 1;
//      arsort($devices);

function Draw($devices, $links, $site, $sites, $port_count, $ports) {
        // I know this function is too big but I'm lacking fu in php

        // Create A3 sixed image
        $x_max = 1587;
        $y_max = 1122;

        $handle = ImageCreate ($x_max, $y_max) or die ("Cannot Create image");

        $bg_color = ImageColorAllocate ($handle, 255, 255, 255);
        $txt_color = ImageColorAllocate ($handle, 0, 0, 0);

        $pink = ImageColorAllocate($handle, 255, 105, 180);
        $white = ImageColorAllocate($handle, 255, 255, 255);
        $green = ImageColorAllocate($handle, 132, 135, 28);
        $black = ImageColorAllocate($handle, 0, 0, 0);
        $blue  = ImageColorAllocate($handle, 0, 0, 255);

        ImageString($handle, 5, 750, 18, "RackTables Visualised ($site}", 

        $page_size    = 4;
        $page_counter = 0;
        $x_offset     = 25;
        $y_offset     = 50;
        $width        = 350;
        $height       = 50;
        $x_buffer     = $width + intval($width * 0.5);
        $y_buffer     = $height + 100;

        // In this block, $key is the device and $value is the number of links 
that device has to other objects
        foreach($devices as $key => $value) {
                if ($sites[$key] != $site) {
                $x = $x_offset;
                if ($page_counter == 0) {
                        $y = $y_offset;
                else {
                        $y = $y_buffer * $page_counter + 50;
                $coord[$key] = array('x' => $x, 'y' => intval($y + $height / 
                // Draw the device
                ImageRectangle($handle, $x, $y, $x + $width, $y + $height, 
                // Label the device
                ImageString($handle, 2, $x + 5, $y + 5, $key, $txt_color);
                if ($page_counter >= $page_size) {
                        $x_offset = $x_offset + $x_buffer;
                        $page_counter = 0;

        $tmp_dev = array();

        foreach($links as $aa) {
                // Should only need to test one end of the link for site
                if ($sites[$aa['Device1']] != $site) {

                if (isset($tmp_dev[$aa['Device1']])) {
                else {
                        $tmp_dev[$aa['Device1']] = 1;
                if (isset($tmp_dev[$aa['Device2']])) {
                else {
                        $tmp_dev[$aa['Device2']] = 1;

                // '10' is the margin, '20' includes left and right margins
                $unit1 = (($width - 20) / ($port_count[$aa['Device1']] + 1)) / 
                $d1x = $coord[$aa['Device1']]['x'] + 10 + ($unit1 * 
                $d1y = $coord[$aa['Device1']]['y'];
                $unit2 = (($width - 20) / ($port_count[$aa['Device2']] + 1)) / 
                $d2x = $coord[$aa['Device2']]['x'] + 10 + ($unit2 * 
                $d2y = $coord[$aa['Device2']]['y'];

                $d1_text_offset = ($tmp_dev[$aa['Device1']] % 2) ? -5 : 5;
                $d2_text_offset = ($tmp_dev[$aa['Device2']] % 2) ? -5 : 5;

                ImageString($handle, 1, $d1x + 2, $d1y + $d1_text_offset, 
$aa['Port1'], $txt_color);
                ImageString($handle, 1, $d2x + 2, $d2y + $d2_text_offset, 
$aa['Port2'], $txt_color);

                ImageLine($handle, $d1x, $d1y, $d2x, $d2y, $blue);

        $contents = ob_get_contents();

        $fh = fopen("/tmp/cc-$site.png", "w");
        fwrite($fh, $contents);

$devices    = array();
$links      = array();
$link_count = array();
$sites      = array();
$ports      = array();
$port_count = array();

GetMySQLData($devices, $links, $sites, $port_count, $ports);
foreach($sites as $site) {
        Draw($devices, $links, $site, $sites, $port_count, $ports);

Attachment: image.png
Description: PNG image

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