[racktables-users] Re: Question about permissions.

  • From: Michael Tiernan <michael.tiernan@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: racktables-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2018 07:52:25 -0400

Thanks for the reply!

Is there a good place to post/suggest items for wish list?

Should it require a post, here:
I'd like it, if in the user's preferences the user can set the 'background' color for the page.
(This might entail the transparency setting but I don't know.)
I'm not asking for this to be automatic or rule based, just a simple setting so that as a user I have an option to say "Make my background color 0xe0efd4"

I have two (or more) open windows logged into a racktables instance.

One is "Just me" an ordinary user fenced in by tags to work on a specific set of pages.

Another might be "Power user me" who's able to manipulate all things at my location.

The last would be the admin user for fixing my own stupid mistakes and tweaking operations.

I'd like to be able to set the background for the admin and power user screens to a different color than my ordinary user so that I can have a reminder of what screen I'm using.

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