[racktables-users] Re: MySQL versions out in the wild.

  • From: "Aaron Dummer" <aaron@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: racktables-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 05 Jan 2011 21:15:14 -0600

Does this only require the backend db be >=5.1.6 or does the php mysql mod need to be at same level?

The backend is not a problem... But if I need to update php mysql mod as well, that's a bit more complicated.

Only the MySQL server needs to be >= 5.1.6.

Also, to be clear, triggers work fine in any version of MySQL >= 5.0.x. The only problem is regarding the required permissions. Versions earlier than 5.1.6 require the SUPER privilege to create/drop/execute triggers,. A specific TRIGGER privilege was introduced in 5.1.6 which lets you create/drop/execute them without having full SUPER privs. It's not the best practice to give an application like RackTables all the rights that come with SUPER.

Based on the feedback received so far, it looks like it's probably not feasible to utilize triggers in RackTables until the majority of users are running a new-enough MySQL release. Maybe there's some middle-ground, like having the RackTables install/update scripts check the MySQL version and only enable triggers if it's >= 5.1.6.


Aaron Dummer

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