[racattack] Automation Quick Start - for Collaborate

  • From: Jeremy Schneider <jeremy.schneider@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "racattack@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <racattack@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2014 09:39:56 -0500

For Collaborate, I've added a "quick start" section to the automation wiki


The racattack automation stuff is *definitely* under heavy development and
not ready at all for the general public at events.  But if there are any
advanced users who want to see what we're up to, this should help them
quickly try things out.

For the curious ones out there, here are the steps:

(At this point in time, we're working to automate the third and fourth labs
- Install Linux and Create Cluster.)

1. Complete the first three labs: Hardware Requirements, Software
Components and Prepare Host. Don't download Oracle Linux; just the database
and cluster software.
2. Download and install Vagrant 1.5.1
3. Download and unzip http://racattack.org/vagrantfile.zip (note that this
file changes frequently as we work on it)
4. Open a command prompt and change into the directory where you unzipped
5. cd vagrantfile-master\OracleLinux\racattack12cR1
6. vagrant up
7. vagrant ssh collabn1
8. sudo su - oracle -c vncserver
9. Run the vnc client of your choice and connect to vnc://
10. discuss issues at http://racattack.org/list or

* you need a lot of memory and free disk space for this. See
RAC_Attack_12c/Hardware_Requirements. For these automation labs, 8GB memory
can be a stretch if you have other programs running and 40GB disk might be
pushing it too. This is still under development!
* typing vagrant up for the first time on your laptop will trigger an 808MB
download. to just download the file without provisioning your VM (e.g.
while you sleep) you can type vagrant box add racattack/oracle65.
* even without the download, running vagrant up will take a long time -
especially creating 20GB of "shared disk" before starting the first VM.


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