[python] Vedr.: Re: some thoughts

  • From: Rasmus Emil Møller <aer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: python@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 16 Oct 2005 20:38:10 +0200


no cyberbricks from me.

You are right that it will be similar to lighting the seat load, and if
"the hanging pendulum effect" really is an self-stabilizing concept in
itself, then you are right that it will destabilize things.

However I find it very probable that "the hanging pendulum effect" makes
the bicycle rideable by amplifying pivot angle feedback to the rider
instead of  making the bike inherently stable.


                      "daryl bender"                                            
                      <darylbender@hotm        Til:      python@xxxxxxxxxxxxx   
                      ail.com>                 cc:                              
                      Sendt af:                Vedr.:    [python] Re: some 
                      05-10-15 00:24                                            
                      Besvar venligst                                           
                      til python                                                


I think adding weight "in front of front wheel center OR behind rear wheel
center" will tend to be similar to lightening the seat load which should
reduce the hanging pendulum effect and tend to *destabilize* things.

As I think about it I think you either want to

a) Lessen aerodynamic tendencies to that would cause the front boom to veer

to one side or the other. I stress the front boom because in essence (being

articulated) the rear of the bike sort of follows the front boom or, if
receiving less drag, may even try to pass it (sort of like folding).

b) Use aerodynamics to generate a down force which would proportionately
increase the hanging pendulum effect which adds stability. In essence a
of ground effects.

*I* have trouble visualizing how a) would be acheived but b) might be
acheived with a sort of inverted wing (placed between the wheels) which
would increase the down force.

To see if this would work we need someone to experiment if adding serious
weight increases high speed stability. Anybody want to Grinch-like load
thier python up with 1000lbs of sandbags and race down a mile long hill . .

. . . like say "Anne St"  where 25Hz lives perhaps and see what happens?

Daryl - now ducking for the cyber brick I'm sure will be thrown at me. ;-D

>To: python@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: [python] Re: some thoughts
>Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2005 18:43:44 +0200
>Good point about center of pressure related to center of gravity.
>Weight added in front of front wheel center OR behind rear wheel center
>should stabilize the whole, as the weight  counters the side pressure
>(avoiding the middle part falling to the wind side).
>Unfortunately, weight in front might increase wheel flop and make for
>However , didn't someone on this list put a battery or similar weight
>behind the rear wheel and report increased stability?
>Rear weight should also create a little oversteer.
>Or I am rambling...


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