[python] Re Re Re Re: trail vs wheelsize

  • From: "Henk van Eerden" <h.vaneerden@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <python@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2006 19:36:17 +0200

Dear Olaf (and others),

excusez moi, i jumped to soon to quick to conclusions. 
Lets talk about the fun of riding the recumbents, especially our beloved 
centre-steered bikes like the python and flevo.

Why i use the Flevobike in the city: for fun, for fun and off course for the 
fun of it:
it's that feeling you get, speeding to a 90 degree turn, or those very narrow 
corridor to prevent cars from riding over that path. You approach it carefully 
and a little bit uncertain (do mi make it or not?) and then when turning that 
90 degree with a smooth radius, then there is that rewarding feeling that makes 
riding the bike  so specially (that "nirvana" feeling). 

I like it!



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