[pythian] Re: PROJECT

  • From: "David La Rush" <discotek@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: pythian@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 02:08:20 +0000

>  Problem : We don't want people build 50 armors
> > everyday Solutions : + We limit the type of armor he can built
> > per level light chain armor = 55 %

Er, I missed this thread and only seem to have been included on this 
particular message. Could someone bring me up to speed?

>I don't like these success rates/percentages. They are confusing for the 
>players. I know that because I know a lot of people who think like that 
>about the matter and so do I.

I'm one of them. I'm uncertain what the above percentage represents. Why is 
building a lot of armour a problem? You can only wear one at a time. You 
want a way to stop a blacksmith from cranking a lot of armour out ahead of 
time and selling it? Measurements.  Most armour (at least the high end 
stuff) has to be custom fitted. This means an armourer has to build a suit 
of armour to fit a *specific person*, who will likely only want to buy one 
suit.  He CAN crank out a lot, but it will only fit one guy.

> >                 +We limit the quantity of armor he can
> > build per day ( ex : base =1/day + 1 armor / day per
> > 10 Level in Armorer + We make is armor very very very
> > cheap until a very high level.
> >  + We make is armor more fragile than normaly
> >  + Material needed to make powerful armor are very rare
>No.. Again. This would be also confusing. ... and .. there are some people 
>playing the game 30minutes and there are some playing it 8 hours.

The time limit on armour makes sense. A *real* armourer would have to sit in 
the forge for weeks making the suit, which could be dull for a player. 
Still, maybe the player has to forge it piece by piece, so that he actually 
feels like he's making it incrementally.

> > Prolbems : we don't want people killing everything
> > that move

How's this;
-Monsters are *there* to be killed; weak monsters are easily killed but 
breed like crazy, strong monsters are rare, but REALLY tough.

-Regular animals are there for food and pelts. We might want to have 
druid-like characters (such as the Valun) who actively discourage people 
from over hunting.

-Killing humans is just bad news. Kill a random human and you're a murderer 
and will be treated as such. Humans can only be killed during wartime or in 
self-defense without these repercussions.


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