Plextalk transfer software

  • From: "Heidi Vandewinckel" <hiheidi1@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <ptr1-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2012 13:20:56 -0400

Hello all,


I have transferring some books form my computer to the plextalk and found 2
features in the transfer software that I really do like.  The first is that
you can delete books from your computer using the transfer software.  The
second, is that if you are going down the list of books on your computer,
there is a tone indicating when that same book is also on your plextalk.  I
typically read over 120 books a year, so after a while managing the books
becomes a little cumbersome, but this helps me keep track of books a want to
read and delete those I have disregarded or have all ready read in an easy




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  • » Plextalk transfer software - Heidi Vandewinckel