RE: SSIP for Windows -- Status Update

  • From: "Macarty, Jay {PBSG}" <Jay.Macarty@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: <programmingblind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2007 09:54:00 -0600

Update on the SSIP server for Windows progress. I have added a speech
interface class for SA, along with including their dll. This means the
valid choices for the set API command are now jaws, wineyes, SA, and
SAPI. Have also successfully sent speech output/text to the SSIP server
via java class. Am currently adding in support for what the SSIP spec
calls sound icons; that is, the ability to play sound files via SSIP
command. Have also cleaned up text for most of the response strings and
have extended the test client program with some added functionality. 

I now have an account on the Remote access bridge website from Sina.
Just haven't gotten comfortable enough with the state of the SSIP server
to post a release just yet. 

-----Original Message-----
From: programmingblind-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:programmingblind-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jamal Mazrui
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2007 1:31 PM
To: programmingblind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: SSIP for Windows -- beta almost ready for release

Jay and others,
Unlike JAWS and Window-Eyes, System Access currently requires that a DLL
be distributed with the application that uses its API.  Matt, the
developer of SA, emailed me an archive with the DLL and documentation.
said I could redistribute it, so I have just posted it at

Basically, the DLL is a Win32 standard one, rather than COM server, with
functions to test whether SA is running and to make it speak either ANSI
or Unicode strings.  The EdSharp source code contains C# wrappers, but I
am also posting two relevant classes below that I developed for speech
COM routines generally.  Note that the code has some dependencies on
custom routines and that intermittent lines are commented out as I
debugged issues.  I assume someone else would adapt the code to their
program and coding style.  If you have questions, however, let me know.


class Voice {

public static string GetJfwDir() {
RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine;
string sSubKey = @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App
string sName = "Path";
string sPath = Sys.GetRegString(key, (sSubKey + "jfw.exe"), sName);

if (sPath == "") {
string[] sVersions = {"91", "90", "81", "80", "8", "71", "70", "7",
"61", "60", "6"};
sName = "";
foreach (string sVersion in sVersions) {
sPath = Sys.GetRegString(key, (sSubKey + "jaws" + sVersion + ".exe"),
if (sPath != "") {
sPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(sPath);
//if (sPath !="" && !sPath.EndsWith(@"\")) sPath = String.Concat(sPath,
sPath = sPath.TrimEnd('\\');
return sPath;
} // GetJfwDir method

public static string GetWEDir() {
RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine;
string sSubKey = @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App
string sName = "Path";
string sPath = Sys.GetRegString(key, sSubKey, sName);
if (sPath !="" && !sPath.EndsWith(@"\")) sPath = String.Concat(sPath,
return sPath;
} // GetWEDir method

static extern bool SystemParametersInfo(int iAction, int iParam, out
bActive, int iUpdate);
public static bool IsScreenReaderActive() {
int iAction = 70; // SPI_GETSCREENREADER constant;
int iParam = 0;
bool bActive;
int iUpdate = 0;
bool bReturn = SystemParametersInfo(iAction, iParam, out bActive,
return bReturn && bActive;
} // IsScreenReaderActive method

public static bool IsJAWSActive(){
string sClass = "JFWUI2";
string sTitle = "JAWS";
return (int) Sys.FindWindow(sClass, sTitle) != 0;
} // IsJAWSActive method

public static bool IsWinEyesActive(){
//string sClass = "AfxFrameOrView42";
string sTitle = "Window-Eyes";
//return (int) FindWindow(sClass, sTitle) != 0;
int iClass = 0;
return (int) Sys.FindWindow(iClass, sTitle) != 0;
} // IsWinEyesActive method

public static extern int JFWSayString(string sText, int iInterrupt);

public static bool JFWSay(string sText) {
try {
return JFWSayString(sText, 0) == 1;
catch {
return false;
} // JFWSay method

public static extern int SA_IsRunning();

public static bool IsSAActive() {
try {
return SA_IsRunning() == 1;
catch {
return false;
} // IsSAActive method

public static extern int SA_SayU(string sText);

public static bool SASay(string sText) {
try {
return SA_SayU(sText) == 1;
catch {
return false;
} // SASay method

public static bool Say(object oText) {
string sText = oText.ToString();
if (sText.Trim().Length == 0) sText = "Blank";
if (!App.ExtraSpeech) {
Sys.StringAppend2FileU(sText + "\r\n", App.SpeechLog);
return false;

if (Voice.JFWSay(sText)) return true;
else if (Voice.SASay(sText)) return true;
else if (Voice.WESay(sText)) return true;
//else if (Voice.SAPISay(sText)) return true;
else return false;
} // Say method

public static bool WESay(string sText) {
//object oWE = null;
//return WESay(sText, ref oWE);
return WESay(sText, ref App.Wineyes);
} // WESay method

public static bool WESay(string sText, ref object oWE) {
//if ((int) Sys.FindWindow(0, "Window-Eyes") == 0) return false;
//don't even check since last resort
//if (!Sys.IsWinEyesActive()) return false;

try {
if (oWE == null) oWE = Com.CreateObject("GwSpeak.Speak");
Com.CallMethod(oWE, "SpeakString", sText);
return true;
catch {
return false;
} // WESay method

public static bool SAPISay(string sText) {
object oSAPI = null;
return SAPISay(sText, oSAPI);
} // SAPISay method

public static bool SAPISay(string sText, object oSAPI) {
try {
if (oSAPI == null) oSAPI = Com.CreateObject("SAPI.SPVoice");
Com.CallMethod(oSAPI, "Speak", sText);
return true;
catch {
return false;
} // SAPISay method

} // Voice class

public class Com {

public static object CreateObject(string sProgID) {
Type t = Type.GetTypeFromProgID(sProgID);
object oResult = Activator.CreateInstance(t);
return oResult;
} // CreateObject method

public static object GetObject(string sProgID) {
object oResult = Interaction.GetObject(null, sProgID);
return oResult;
} // GetObject method

public static object GetOrCreateObject(string sProgID, out bool bCreate,
string sMessage) {
object oResult;
try {
oResult = GetObject(sProgID);
bCreate = false;
catch {
oResult = CreateObject(sProgID);
bCreate = true;
return oResult;
} // GetOrCreateObject method

public static object CallMethod(object o, string sMethod) {
object[] args = {};
return CallMethod(o, sMethod, args);
} // CallMethod method

public static object CallMethod(object o, string sMethod, string sValue)
object[] args = {sValue};
return CallMethod(o, sMethod, args);
} // CallMethod method

public static object CallMethod(object o, string sMethod, int iValue) {
object[] args = {iValue};
return CallMethod(o, sMethod, args);
} // CallMethod method

public static object CallMethod(object o, string sMethod, object[] args)
Type t = o.GetType();
object oResult = t.InvokeMember(sMethod, BindingFlags.InvokeMethod,
o, args);
return oResult;
} // CallMethod method

public static object SetProperty(object o, string sProperty, string
sValue) {
object[] args = {sValue};
return SetProperty(o, sProperty, args);
} // SetProperty method

public static object SetProperty(object o, string sProperty, int iValue)
object[] args = {iValue};
return SetProperty(o, sProperty, args);
} // SetProperty method

public static object SetProperty(object o, string sProperty, bool
object[] args = {bValue};
return SetProperty(o, sProperty, args);
} // SetProperty method

public static object SetProperty(object o, string sProperty, object[]
args) {
Type t = o.GetType();
object oResult = t.InvokeMember(sProperty, BindingFlags.SetProperty,
o, args);
return oResult;
} // SetProperty method

public static object GetProperty(object o, string sProperty) {
object[] args = new object[] {};
return GetProperty(o, sProperty, args);
} // GetProperty method

public static object GetProperty(object o, string sProperty, object[]
args) {
Type t = o.GetType();
object oResult = t.InvokeMember(sProperty, BindingFlags.GetProperty,
o, args);
return oResult;
} // GetProperty method

public static void Release(ref object o) {
o = null;
} // Release method

} // Com class

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