[program-l] Re: Experimenting with the WPF designer

  • From: Karl-Otto Rosenqvist <karl-otto@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: program-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, Andy Borka <sonfire11@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2021 23:18:01 +0100

If you're using NVDA and fold code in the xalm editor NVDA will only read the first word, i e "Label", "StackPanel" and so on. If you have useful eyes you can see that the attributes on the first line has a dim color but aren't spoken.
If NVDA would read the entire first line of the folded code one could have the name of the control there and that way easily know what control it is without having to unfold it.

If one could write comments <!-- Search controls --> in the xaml it would be possible to organize controls into blocks so you know where you are when arrowing around in the xaml.

I think I found a bug in the WPF ListBox related to its selected index if it's set when the window is loaded. I've created a list of companies you can choose from and it's set to the last opened one. I tried to set the listbox as the initially focused control but NVDA doesn't read the selection. It behaves the same if I don't set the initial focus and have to tab into it. The really problematic behavior is that regardless of what list item was selected it will select the first list item when you press arrow down. This makes it impossible to know what value was pre-selected if you're a screen reader, or at least a NVDA user.

Thanks for sharing your results.



Karl-Otto Rosenqvist
Orgnr: 750804-3937
+46 (0)701 75 98 56

Den 2021-03-19 kl. 18:15, skrev Andy Borka:


I took a while to experiment around with the WPF designer in Visual Studio 2019. Here are some interesting points that came from that experiment.

  * To force the designer to not change margins, change the ‘insert
    layout properties when dropping controls on the designer’ setting,
    which can be found in the XAML designer node of the options dialog.
  * As a screen reader user, it might be faster using the XAML editor
    since we are required to tab around the properties window instead of
    arrowing through attributes and events.
  * When using the designer, NVDA’s Developer toolkit addon found at
    <http://www.github.com/ajborka/nvda_developer_toolkit> gives proper
    sizes and placements.
  * The designer is completely accessible for NVDA/JAWS users as long as
    we assign a name and automationProperties.name to the control.
  * In Visual Studio 2019 16.9.x, the AutomationProperties category
    doesn’t read when tabbing through the properties window.
  * In Visual Studio 2019 16.10.x preview, the above point is no longer
  * Sometimes, we will have to save and reload the designer to refresh
    the control state since NVDA/JAWS doesn’t always read the new names
    of controls after changing properties in the properties window.
  * The size of the design surface may not reflect the size of the
    window at runtime, so keep actual/design time rendering in mind.
  * Turning on descriptions in NVDA’s object presentation settings will
    read AutomationProperties.HelpText when tabbing through the designer.

Overall, the WPF designer is a safe and pleasant experience, but it lacks in efficiency with screen reader users. Some other points on WPF/WinUI3 that I noticed in general follow.

  * The layout managers such as Stack panel, Doc panel, Tab control,
    Canvas, and Flow layout panel may cause difficulty for screen reader
    users to understand.
      o When setting Horizontal or Vertical alignments, it appears
        controls require manual resizing or a width/height attribute.
      o When setting Horizontal/Vertical orientation modes, the layout
        manager will resize in the direction of the orientation mode.
      o Setting Horizontal orientation will horizontally resize based on
        control width and vertically take the remaining space.
      o Setting Vertical orientation will vertically resize based on
        control height and horizontally take the remaining space.
  * Based on how complex a layout can get, folding controls in the XAML
    editor proves a benefit.
  * Control’s are easier to read and manage in the XAML editor when each
    attribute is on a line by itself.
  * Setting focus to the first logical input control in a window is
    needed to achieve the default WinForms behavior.

If anything is wrong here, feel free to comment.

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