[procps] [PATCH 0/2] free: perhaps too big change

  • From: Sami Kerola <kerolasa@xxxxxx>
  • To: procps@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2011 22:31:36 +0200

Hi procps fork maintainers,

I did not find README.devel etc file which would indicate how far
you like to drift from sourceforge procps. With this patch I am
assuming that you really don't mind drifting as long as command
behavior for users does not change.

Assuming that is the case I could start doing similar
modernization on larger scale. Most of the commands does not seem
to support long options, proper .gitignore, support for autotools
might be welcome and so on. Naturally avoiding big commits is a
target, which I failed to do this time.

Please give some guidance, so that I will be help you the way you
feel is good for the project.

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