[pradjs] PRA and the recession

  • From: Mike Jedlicka <mikejedlicka@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: pradjs@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2009 10:58:19 -0700

Hi everyone,

I've got a serious message to give all of you.  PRA is in a lot of trouble
this month financially.  I just had to kick a few djs out that owed a lot of
back dues that didn't pay, and it looks like a lot of you still owe us for
at least 2 months.

There definitely are djs that are paying all the time, and thank you all so
so much, you are keeping us afloat.

But there are too many of you that are not paying.

Our bank account just went in the redzone, so we had a bunch of fees, on top
of Qwest sending us to a debt collector.  We canceled them (qwest) and are
now doing all automatic payments for our bills so this kind of stuff doesn't
happen again, which include: clear (internet/phone), shoutcast (streaming),
mediatemple (hosting), spotlight boxoffice (online dues payment/donations),
and our rent.  These are all needed and we can't scrap any of them.

So I'm going to be sending out the list of people that owe dues now, and I
really need everyone to pay what you owe.  Either online or cash in the box.

There's also a chance that we may need to up our dues from $15 a month to
$20 so this kind of stuff doesn't happen again, and so we can start fixing
some of the gear in the station.  I hate to do it and it's not set in stone,
but I'm not sure what else we can do.  The managers can't be paying out of
pocket anymore, it's just not fair.  We will have a meeting soon (I'm
thinking next sunday the 4th, but it's not for sure yet) to discuss this.
 All djs will be welcome to join us.

I know all of us are hurting right now, but I'm scared that we're getting to
the point of no return.  We can't have that.

So I'm frankly letting you know that we need you to pay up on time.

I'm going to change the door code a week from this monday (the 5th), and if
you owe over 2 months rent you will lose your show.

Sorry for the harsh language, but we just can't be so nice anymore when it
comes down to PRA possibly being shut down due to money.


Other related posts:

  • » [pradjs] PRA and the recession - Mike Jedlicka