[powerdot] Re: Some suggestions

  • From: "Hendri Adriaens" <spotje@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: powerdot@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2006 18:08:44 +0200

All the ones I know of at least, are meant for paper not for screen.
Also they do not make use of colors to highlight the theorem statement.
If we had a "pdtheorem" environment which would do that (would come with
powerdot as a separate .sty file), then it would give users more options.

There are plenty of packages offering full flexibility in theorem typesetting.

According to what I see in the enumitem docs, the only relevant macros
are \setitemize, \setenumerate ... which set the options for all
itemize, enumerate environments. What I wanted was to be able to define
\item X

instead of

\item X

\newenvironment{pdenumeratep}{% \begin{enumerate}[label=...]% }{% \end{enumerate}% }

See a latex manual.

Again the idea here is not that this is hard to do for the user. If
these things are available with pdutils.sty and say defined using
pdcolor1, pdcolor2 etc. as opposed to white, black (which is what a
normal user would do), it would make it easier for the user to change
styles and have these things mesh well with the style being used.

The palette colors can be used in any custom environment. Again, taste is so different from one to the next person that offering 1 fancy theorem environment is pretty useless. And there are plenty of packages around to help. And you can use the palette colors in any custom thingy.

The idea for the whole thing is to make it easier for people who do not
know anything more than writing an article using LaTeX (do not know
pstricks, plain TeX...) to be able to use powerdot and build a colorful

They can use powerdot without any knowledge on pstricks etc. All that is necessary is in the docs of powerdot (like a short description of \rput etc). What you want to do is customization. And that is never possible without more knowledge internal procedures.


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