[pov] Re: Fwd: Nikon Small World Photomicrography Competition - The Big Picture - Boston.com

  • From: John Sage <jsage@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: pov@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 07 Oct 2011 11:59:28 -0700

On 11-10-07 11:37 AM, mm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Hi Michael: Mary and I were just talking about you, how are you? We just
completed a new web site and while happy overall with it we are having
trouble with it in Internet Explorer 8 and earlier.
When we bring it up in Internet Explorer 8 we and try to get into the
galleries we get this big warning of "FATAL ERROR" with a note about the
error being in the Java script.
We are looking to hire someone that could write code and fix this
problem, we didn't know if you knew anyone that might have this kind of
experience or skills.

Right on your home page the developer console for Google Chrome shows:

"http://www.milroyandmcaleer.com/css_menu/dropdown/themes/default/helper.css - 404 - not found"


"http://www.milroyandmcaleer.com/galleria-1.2.4.min.js - 404 - not found"

So quickly it looks like there's some bits and pieces missing...

- John
John Sage
FinchHaven Digital Photography
Box 2541, Vashon, WA 98070
Email: jsage@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  Web: http://www.finchhaven.com/
 Cell: 206.595.3604


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