[phorm] Phorm causing "Internet Server error" please help

  • From: Ken Loomis <kloomis@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: phorm@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2005 10:54:38 -0700

I registered phorm and also got phormation.

I tried for quite sometime to make 'phninstall.php' and finally threw my hands up. I then did a manual file upload and started trying to make phorm work.

Now, no matter what I do, I get an "Internal Server Error" with the following single line added to the error log:

[Sun Sep 04 23:44:38 2005] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: php-script, referer: http://alancaron.com/rqtsSamplesForm.htm

I am not using a form specific config file, though I will need to if I ever get this working.

I run other php on this server, in fact am running phpBB.

In desperation, I set the permissions to rwx for everyone on all the files and directories in the 'phorm' directory, inclusive. This had no effect.

Any suggestions?

Ken Loomis
Windows, Macintosh, Internet, etc.
Helping to make your technology
experience more pleasant & profitable ;-)
619-275-6919 / Cell 619-889-7834

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