-=PCTechTalk=- Re: microsoft - windows crash

  • From: ~OoO~ <SirTroth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <pctechtalk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2004 09:19:13 -0500

For me, its not an issue of not trusting what's being sent. Think about it... 
out of all the people that use the Windows XP OS, which is a lot, the one's who 
have it legitimately (read: non-pirated) probably most send the reports. The 
opposition does not, for obvious (and probably false) fears. But, for the ones 
tat do send the report, I'd say that there are A LOT of reports sent. There 
are, in my opinion, too many for Microsoft to go through.
I know that don't actually sit there and go through the reports... its all 
software-based, I'm sure. And, I would say that it probably just hangs onto the 
info until a they have so many error reports of a particular application or 
program. Who knows. I'm not MS. These are just my views. But, since I don't 
know, I can't say how they handle these processes. If you know for sure how 
they handle it, then great.

If the reports help, as you're reporting, then they should be sent. I just wish 
MS would do a better job explaining or demonstrating the possible success or 
failure of this feature.

::: Troth :::
ICQ: 1717439
MSN: SirTroth@xxxxxxxxxxx
Yahoo IM: SirTroth
AIM/AOL: SirTrothX

::: Original Message
::: Sent Fri, 13 Feb 2004 18:14:04 -0500 by David F Wooledge
| Troth and others,
|  I disagree about sending the bug reports to Microsoft.  It does indeed
| assist the program developers.  Also if the program is not a Microsoft
| program, often Microsoft is able to contact the developers of the program
| and inform them  the program is crashing and possible reasons and fixes.
| It does not purposefully collect identifying or personal information.
| There are options to read exactly what is sent prior to sending;  If
| personal or identifying information is included that one does not want to
| send, the option is there not to send the report.  People complain about
| Microsoft programs containing bugs and security flaws. With codes for
| these programs reaching into the millions of lines I think it would
| impossible to release totally bug free programs.  Also Microsoft has no
| control over non-Microsoft programs that cause the OS to crash.  Here is
| a method for people to help identify the problems and provide information
| for Microsoft and other companies to improve the products people complain
| about , yet continue to use.  And  yes there are alternatives to
| Microsoft DOS and Windows, Linux (many varieties) and other open source
| software, Solaris, IBM OS\2, OS\2 WARP, Apple, to name a handful.  I do
| understand not wanting to take the time to check what is being sent and
| not wanting to take the time for the report to be sent.  I am not saying
| everyone should always send the reports.  I do know software companies
| that have been notified of problems identified through this process.
| Also I have had some applications that always crashed, that I would send
| reports about, stop crashing after updates were applied.  I like to think
| that sending in the error reports helped fix these problems.  Sometimes,
| after sending in a report, Microsoft provides a link with instructions to
| fix the bug.  It might involve installing an update or scanning for and
| removing a virus, worm or trojan.  Just my thoughts, not wanting to start
| a debate.
| Dave
| http://www.geocities.com/wooledge001_/
| http://www.mental-health-advocate.us
| ----- Original Message -----
| From: ~OoO~
| To: pctechtalk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
| Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2004 11:49 PM
| Subject: -=PCTechTalk=- Re: microsoft - windows crash
| When your system or app crashes, and you get one of those nice little
| popups
| asking whether or not you'd like to report it, don't bother. Its supposed
| to
| help MS in the development and bug swatting, but I personally think its a
| load
| of crud.
| Regarding the update... I wouldn't bother with it neither. Instead, go to
| the
| Windows Update site (START > ALL PROGRAMS > WINDOWS UPDATE) update
| whatever it
| is that's listed as needing updating. If that script engine is important,
| it'll
| generally be there.
| ::: Troth :::
| ______________________
| ICQ: 1717439
| MSN: SirTroth@xxxxxxxxxxx
| Yahoo IM: SirTroth
| AIM/AOL: SirTrothX
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