[pchelpers] Re: stupid scams

  • From: supergrams@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: pchelpers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2005 18:15:51 -0600

In Nigeria? Why? Let her call him if it isn't a scam.

Scott McNay wrote:

>Hi John,
>Friday, March 25, 2005, 1:51:30 PM, you wrote:
>JD> I'm afraid that suggestion has dangers associated with it. If you get
>JD> just the card number and bill it, there is no guarantee the card belongs
>JD> to the customer. It may be a stolen number.  In that case, when the
>JD> owner finds out, the bank charges back the amount to your bank, which
>JD> then gets it from you. Several Indonesian groups are known for this type
>JD> of crime.
>You should be able to get the customer's phone # from the credit card
>company and call to verify, or have the credit card company call to

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