[pchelpers] Re: File structure was data recovery

  • From: Tasana Computers <poneyboy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: pchelpers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 02 Feb 2006 22:54:03 -0600

point made and recieved. While on the subject have you done any research  
into the new drive storage format? Perpendicular recording instead of  
writting it flat. I have seen several highend systems that have 1TB HDD  
with the current storage medium, can you fathoum the amount of storage you  
would be able to achive with the same amount of platters and almost same  
size drive. Vista will take advantage of it and Tivo's will become useless  
as people use they computer systems and hook up external HDD's and record  
every thing on PPV, the RIAA is going to have a new field to sue. Many  
today use Media Center and external HDD's very much the same way but they  
fill up fast, with endless storage, I think the price for T.V. service  
will rise and PPV will be as much as going to the movies.
> I'm not sure if that's relevant. There are only 3 places to put file
> structure information: outside tracks, inside tracks, and inbetween.
> If I recall correctly, the lower-numbered tracks/cylinders are on the
> inside. However, you can get more sectors per track on the outside.
> Inbetween, you get fast access to (or from) either edge. I am

Gregory D. Watts
Tasana Computer Repair
Computers are not the only answer!

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