[passtartoursgroup] new notice within public event calendar for your eyes only

  • From: Terri <starstuff@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Star Tours Group <passtartoursgroup@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2015 14:47:25 -0700

I will mark paid events ($100/scope or more) on the public calendar as
"Dress Code will be required." and this way you know it is a paying event,
requiring all black clothing (or what ever we vote for, if that changes
down the line) and your name badge, to attend.

A new event was just posted to Mar 27, however, i do not have the booking
doc in hand. And i don't know which campus we are doing it at, yet.

I will have to say that becuase of time issues and William not being able
to get off work that day, It is possible that I will be one of the scopes
at that event.

However, the school (Archway North) also needs as many scopes as it can

And we are giving this new pvcc event last year's rate, so therefore, it
isn't $200 like everyone else, / scope. Keep that in mind.

By the way, some members told the group at the MOM"s that money doesn't
matter. The amount of income doesn't matter. And it shouldn't. You should
love what you are doing, and want to do it for free. So, therefore, if i
put up an event for $150/scope, or $100/scope, instead of $200, which is
the going rate, that shouldn't' matter. I like to keep the customers happy.
If they had the rate of $150 last year and are hiring us again, they should
stay at $150, to keep their business.
Just thought you'd like to know why some evnets are not at $200.

This event will go on the rotation list once i have the booking doc in
hand, and know what location we are doing it, BMC or Main campus for PVCC.

Many thanks to those who understand and are patient as i get these events

If you see an event coming up that has only the public calendar listing,
such as Sam informed me of the Feb 6 event hadn't been put on line in the
private calendar. I appreciate those who are monitoring the events for me,
and finding errors. I"m only one person and additional eyes are great. As
we get closer to the event, reminders are welcome. Such as today's event. I
didn't know i didn't have it on line, until the booking doc arrived over
the weekend, and wow, it just didn't' get posted in time to find enough
scopes for the night, per the school's request. But we are doing it, unless
the school cancels it by 4pm today.

Everyone have a spectacular Wednesday.

Good friends are like stars. You don't always
see them, but you always know they are there.
Terri Phoenix Astronomical Society <http://www.pasaz.org/> Event Coordinator
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  • » [passtartoursgroup] new notice within public event calendar for your eyes only - Terri