[passtartoursgroup] Volunteers for DBG Luminaria event

  • From: Terri <starstuff@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Star Tours Group <passtartoursgroup@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2014 13:30:36 -0700

Wanna see the Luminaria for free admission?

We need volunteers.

What will they do?

Once an hour, walk by the 4 scopes or the Presenter, and ask if they need a
bathroom break.

So, start time is 5:30.

Stop by about 6:30

then you can depart at 9:30 if you wish,
or anytime after your last visit at the scopes after 8:30pm.

What do you do while you are not watching someone's scope, walk around and
enjoy the Luminaria, send people up to the telescopes and Presenters.

What do you do while watching a scope? If you know how to work a scope and
it is a manual scope (no drive), stop people from looking in it, touching
the scope, and tell them the Telescope Operator will be back in 10 minutes.
If it is a motorized scope and is tracking, such as Terri's or Bruce's,
stand by scope and if you know something about the object, talk about it
and show it. Remember, no one is to touch the telescopes.
And if you don't know anything about the object, stand by the scope while
the Scope owner is there, and listen to what they say, then repeat it to
the public while the Owner runs to the bathroom.

If you have a family member you'd like to bring along, everyone must be
listed and this is through me, and everyone attending must be in black
clothing, or dark colors.

I don't care what color your shoes are and please wear comfortable shoes.
The area is dusty, and i had to clean my good shoes both nights after the
event. So, any shoes you want to wear is good, any color, sneakers too.

But black or dark pants and shirt, and jacket are preferred. Look good.
No name badge is required.

And while you are there, pass out my cards. I will supply everyone with
about 20 cards. If someone mentions wanting to know something about the
club, or they say they had or have a telescope, ask if they are local, then
offer them a card. Let's get PAS info out to the public so we get more
attendance at our other events.

Sign up through me via email, right now.
We are looking for 2 volunteers per night, for the nights we have scopes at
the event.
and 1 volunteer per night, on nights we have Presenters.

So, if the notice goes out that a presenter will do the event instead of
the 4 scopes, the two volunteers on the list can take shifts, if they want,
or just be there to help watch Mike's meteorites and Kevin's Moon stuff.

Kevin and Mike, you are approved to sit down to do your event. My
suggestion is you set up your table and stand for the night. It looks more
professional. However, the Ramada has a nice area you can be and use their
chairs to sit down. There are 2 benches up there.

Kevin, if you want to volunteer one night to see what the set up is like,
you can do that. Or i can take a photo on Friday, assuming the scopes are
there, and get it to you to let you know what the set up is like for the
Ramada. The table won't fit between the benches though. I think you both
would be better at the "top of the hill" location. Bring one chair for
yourself and 1 table. Try not to bring anything you don't need as you have
to keep your eyes on it all night long, or hide it under your table.

Let's have a great time at this event, with a few breaks for those who want
to stop to eat something away from the scopes, or take a bathroom break.


Good friends are like stars. You don't always
see them, but you always know they are there.
Terri Phoenix Astronomical Society <http://www.pasaz.org/> Event Coordinator
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  • » [passtartoursgroup] Volunteers for DBG Luminaria event - Terri