[passtartoursgroup] Black Clothing

  • From: Terri <starstuff@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Star Tours Group <passtartoursgroup@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 15:09:18 -0700

Since we are going to be wearing all Black clothing, head to foot, starting
on *Feb 15* (the Meeting of the Minds) for higher paying jobs, I would love
it you find a deal on line, that you send out to the star tours group and
share your find. *Scarves, hats, gloves, shoes, long pants, jackets, button
down long sleeve and short sleeve shirts with a collar, all in solid
black. *

And those of you looking for Bruce's electronic socks, don't bother going
to Cabellas. They want $200 a pair. When we find them, the notice will go

So, if you have time to research, send links through this list (a reply to
this email would work great) and let's share our good deals so that
everyone in the PAStimes Star Tours group, can benefit from being all in
Black and stay in the Star Tours group.

This will be for all events corporate, private, and higher paying jobs.

Schools and Scouts, you can wear your astronomy tshirts and decent pants or
jeans, including blue jeans if you want. They only pay us $25-$50 so no
need to be over dressed for those events. Any solid color is fine for them.
Or astronomy tshirts.

Now, if we do run across a job that the all black clothing is too high end
for, I will adjust the dress code in the forums, for that event. But plan
to be in all black, every higher paying event and let's share what we find
for great deals on anything black clothing.

Think of it this way, at least you don't have to wear a tie. Rod, Don and I
did a job that a Tie was required. It was stupid. Oh, and i believe we were
also supposed to be in black clothing, but our jackets were covering the
clothing and no one had black jackets at that time.

Also, i suggest that if you can, buy 2 of what ever you are buying in case
we get hired for DBG Luminaria again and need to do events back to back. I
now have 4 pair of wool socks, so i wouldn't need to do laundry after each
event. I need another pair of long johns so i have 2 of them.

This is a learning experience for all of us.
Hope you are having a spectacular Tuesday.

One more thing - remember that the Star Tours dress code also requires a
PAS name badge. So, if you don't have yours, let's get those ordered. I'm
thinking of putting in the order right after the next PAS Meeting, on Jan
15. So, attend the meeting, or another event before then to get the $15 to
me for your name badge. Remember, we only order name badges once every 6
months. So, you need to get yours ordered this time around, or not be
included in the Star Tours events, since it is part of the required dress

Terri, Event Coordinator

Good friends are like stars. You don't always
see them, but you always know they are there.
Terri Phoenix Astronomical Society <http://www.pasaz.org/> Event Coordinator
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