[pasmembers] Re: Mar 21 is not only the March Equinox but also 2 events

  • From: Alex Vrenios <axv@xxxxxxx>
  • To: pasmembers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2015 14:12:07 -0700

I’d like to see a private Messier Marathon, at Mike’s, if that’s okay with him.


> On Feb 26, 2015, at 11:26 AM, Terri <starstuff@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> PAS Members,
> I need input.
> Mar 21 is the March Equinox
> but it is also
> the Night Sky Training Session which is a private event
> and the Messier Marathon, which would be a private event but could be open to 
> the public, if you decide to do that.
> Reminder: I think it was last year we did a public Messier Marathon and no 
> public attended. 
> So, my question is:
> Within PAS, who is going to go to SAC's and EVAC's location, which i think is 
> Antenna's, to do the Messier Marathon,
> and who would like to do a public or private viewing session at Mike's?
> And should keep the NSTS or cancel it, and make it into a private or public 
> Messier Object viewing night? 
> I will go with the majority on this.
> We don't have to do a Night Sky Training Session that night, and if my Key 
> Members, the ones who usually do presentations for me at the NSTS, are going 
> to be doing the Messier Marathon at another location that night, we might 
> want to cancel the NSTS and just do a Messier Marathon at Mikes. 
> I don't want to cancel everything that night, I just want to know what kind 
> of event you want to have. 
> We will meet at Mike's, for those not attending the official locations to do 
> their Messier Marathon, and do what ever the group wants to do.
> What are your thoughts?
> NSTS Private event?
> Messier Marathon Private?
> Messier Marathon open to Public? 
> It will be a great night for viewing and we want to view. It's been a while 
> since we had a good night to view and at Mike's house.
> Your input is requested. 
> Many thanks to Eric for reminding me the Messier Marathon is on that weekend.
> When you reply, let me know if you are attending the official Messier 
> Marathon, because if you are one of my Key NSTS teachers, I may cancel the 
> NSTS since you won't be there to help out that night.
> Let's discuss this for about a week. I will take notes on what is proposed, 
> discussed, and decide from there what we are doing that night. So, send me 
> your input. You can choose to send it through the list, or just to me. Your 
> choice.
> Terri, Event Coordinator
> -- 
> Good friends are like stars. You don't always
> see them, but you always know they are there.
> Terri Phoenix Astronomical Society <http://www.pasaz.org/> Event Coordinator
> Visit the P.A.S. Facebook 
> <https://www.facebook.com/PhoenixAstronomicalSociety> Page & My Facebook 
> <http://www.facebook.com/people/Terri-Finch/1021922600> Page
> Visit my Music Page: Private Music Instructor 
> <http://www.musiclessonsbyterri.com/> & Music Facebook 
> <https://www.facebook.com/pages/Music-Lessons-by-Terri/170920862925772> Page

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