[pasmembers] June 28 & July 26 - Input requested

  • From: Terri <cosmicstarstuff@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: List Serve <pasmembers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2012 16:27:18 -0700 (PDT)

Happy & wonderful Thursday to all the PAS Members on this list,

I"d like to talk about the upcoming dates listed above.
And i"m looking for input. All input is welcome, just reply
back to the list.

Here's what we have thus far:

June 28 is the next Public Star Party At PVCC.
At the last one, we had 6 RSVP's and only 1 showed up.
We are so glad to have Mel as part of PAS, but were dissapointed
he was the only one to come to the event. 

Welcome Mel Cantrell as the newest PAS Member!

So, Sam suggested that we don't make it a public star party but
instead a Meeting of the Minds, and just a party indoors, food and drinks.

My suggestion was to arrive at 7pm for set up and see what the situation is
as far as attendance. Then, if we don't' have attendance of anyone for the
star party portion, don't bother setting up scopes,and instead hold
a MOM"s, or just a socializing event. 

So, I'd like input on that idea. I"d like to do the snacks and drinks, no matter
what we do that night, but adjust it to the public's attendance.


Now let's talk about July 26. I originally gave up this dates to give Jenny the 
night off, as we decided to have 2 special Public potlucks and star parties at 
Mike's home. One in July and one in August. 

But i got some input from some members who say they want to hold a Meeting
of the Minds, with food and drinks, on that date, since we haven't had one in a 
and really should be discussing PAS stuff. 

So, my question is... 

1) Jenny, can be have G-147 for July 26?
2) Do we have enough members who want to hold a MOM's on that
date and discuss topics, and socialize and snack and drink, ie: party!

Give me your input on this date as well. I"m open for waht
ever anyone wants to do. And if you do want to do a MOM's,
let's start gathering topics. Send them my way. 

I will update the MOM"s agenda page as they come in.
Right now, I dont' think we have any topics, but here
is the link for those who don't' know where to find it (new to PAS).

Hope everyone is having a super Thursday. Enjoy the break from 
activities for a while and then Let's party at the end of the Month!

And many, many thanks to everyone who assisted with 
Tuesday's PVCC Venus Transit event! Without you,
it wouldn't have happened so smoothly.

Terri, Event Coordinator
Good friends are like stars. You don't always
see them, but you always know they are there.
Terri Phoenix Astronomical Society Event Coordinator
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Private Music Instructor, Ascent Vending Company
Healthy, Wealthy & Wise with Acai Berry

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